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Windows On The World dissertations et mémoires


Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 620 Windows On The World dissertation gratuites 1 - 25

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Dernière mise à jour : 27 Juin 2015
  • Windows On The World

    sur Paris Première. En 2002, durant la campagne présidentielle, il s'occupe de la campagne médiatique du candidat du Parti communiste, Robert Hue. La même année, il accepte de co-animer avec Jonathan Lambert une émission quotidienne d'access prime-time sur Canal+, l'Hypershow, qui compte moins de 500 000 téléspectateurs en moyenne et dure moins de trois mois. En 1999 naît sa fille Chloë de son union avec Delphine Vallette. En 2002, 99 francs est mis en scène

    2 828 Mots / 12 Pages
  • !!!:Le Monde Des Scorpions: !!! :The World Of Scorpions: !!! :El Mundo De Los Escorpiones:!!!

    technique narrative. Il est à noter que les récits entièrement en focalisation externe sont rares. Le narrateur limite l'information à ce que pourrait voir un témoin extérieur, comme une caméra; il ne fournit au lecteur aucune information sur les pensées ou les sentiments. Le lecteur ne sait donc pas grand chose sur le personnage. Le narrateur rapporte les événements, les lieux, les personnages vu de l'extérieur. Il n'a aucune connaissance des pensées et des

    5 712 Mots / 23 Pages
  • The world of imagination : gothicism and romanticism

    The world of imagination : gothicism and romanticism

    littérature anglaise, 1ère L Peut contenir des fautes Séquence "the world of imagination" I am going to talk about the sequence « The world of imagination », which includes gothic genre and romanticism. The gothic novel appeared towards the end of the 18° century in England. It was influenced by the sentimentalism and Rousseau. Gothic literature was considered like women's literature because heroines were women and the novels were written by women autors. One of the pioneers

    656 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Accoutability in the world

    Accoutability in the world

    “Accountability breeds response-ability” This quote by Dr Stephen Covey an American educator and author, used in numerous academic papers not only has a double meaning with the word “response-ability” but is in a way a short summary of how a leader or a person/institution in a power position often held accountable, should react. First things first let’s start by defining the three key words, to be accountable is as defined by the Cambridge dictionary is

    1 755 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Accoutability in the world.

    Accoutability in the world.

    “Accountability breeds response-ability” This quote by Dr Stephen Covey an American educator and author, used in numerous academic papers not only has a double meaning with the word “response-ability” but is in a way a short summary of how a leader or a person/institution in a power position often held accountable, should react. First things first let’s start by defining the three key words, to be accountable is as defined by the Cambridge dictionary is

    1 755 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Myths and heroes - impact on the society

    Myths and heroes - impact on the society

    The notion I’m going to talk about is Myths and heroes. A myth can have several definitions, first of all, it's an ancient story, often about gods, heroes and magic. It also represents the traditions and popular beliefs that represent the ideals and institutions of society. Sometimes a myth also refers to a rumor or unfounded information. The first definition of the hero is a legendary or mythological character often endowed with great powers or

    681 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Harassment of women in the world of work

    Harassment of women in the world of work

    Harassment of women in the world of work is something that happens still exists today. For a long time these harassments were not denouncing but today it is more and more frequent that this subject is approached. The hashtag #metoo allowed many women to denounce harassment. The New York Times newspaper has been interested in these women who are victims of harassment in the world of work and specifically that of economists. How this

    587 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Perspectives and Views on the Translations of Tirukkural

    Perspectives and Views on the Translations of Tirukkural

    Kumarasamy Pugazhendhi Kumarasamy Assistant Professor Centre for French and Francophone Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University Poetry, Phoenix of Translation Perspectives and Views on the Translations of Tirukkural Abstract 19th century French literary figures often depicted India as an exotic landscape, promising adventure and gold. If at all some real Indian thoughts and ideas were there, they were often concealed by stereotypes and images which pleased the French readership of that period. However, curiosity gave way to

    5 133 Mots / 21 Pages
  • Video Games From Around The World

    Video Games From Around The World

    Un jeu vidéo est un jeu électronique doté d'une interface utilisateur permettant une interaction humaine ludique en générant un retour visuel sur un dispositif vidéo. Le joueur de jeu vidéo dispose de périphériques pour agir sur le jeu et percevoir les conséquences de ses actes sur un environnement virtuel. Le mot « vidéo » dans le jeu vidéo fait traditionnellement référence aux dispositifs d'affichage de trame, mais, à la suite de la vulgarisation du ce

    304 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The politics and the economy of Britain since the Industrial Revolution : from the workshop of the world to economic liberalism

    The politics and the economy of Britain since the Industrial Revolution : from the workshop of the world to economic liberalism

    The politics and the economy of Britain since the Industrial Revolution : from the workshop of the world to economic liberalism the industrial revolution started in Britain the middle of the 18th century comprising of a variety of rapid social and economic changes that saw Britain going from an agrarian economy to the premises of a modern industrial society The word revolution is used not to signify a violent turn of events but rather the

    422 Mots / 2 Pages
  • To what extent overfishing impacts the world?

    To what extent overfishing impacts the world?

    DNL: to what extent overfishing impacts the world? More than 171 million tonnes of aquatics goods are fishing in the world every year, so that’s more than 5 400 kg of marines’ species harvested every second. The overfishing -removal of a species of fish from body water at a rate greater than that the species can replenish its population naturally- is a phenomenon topical which represents many strakes for the futures generations. Indeed, these statistics

    2 386 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Comparison book Murder on the Orient Express with film Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

    Comparison book Murder on the Orient Express with film Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

    I read the book Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie and watched the movie Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, both about crime. I chose this book because Agatha Christie is a popular crime author and the title of the book is interesting. I chose this movie because it has just come out and I heard that it is a good movie. In this report, I am going to compare the two. The

    1 020 Mots / 5 Pages
  • The world of work

    The world of work

    1. In the world of work the employers try to find the best working conditions for the well-being of their employees. Dans le monde du travail, les employeurs tentent de trouver les meilleures conditions de travail pour le bien-être de leurs salariés. 2. Today many companies in the Silicon Valley try to offer a progressive workplace culture in order to improve the quality of work. Aujourd'hui, de nombreuses entreprises de la Silicon Valley tentent de

    285 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Influence of digitalization on the millenials customer exerience in the French Automtive sector

    Influence of digitalization on the millenials customer exerience in the French Automtive sector

    Année 2020-2021 What is the influence of digitalization on the customer experience of millennials in the French automotive sector? Livrable n°3 Présenté le 31/05/2020 Par LE COZ Gautier Directeur du mémoire : Mr Makiela Michel PLAGIARISM “I certify that this thesis is personal, cites as references all the sources used and those not contain plagiarism.” PUBLICATION “I certify that my thesis is not confidential and I authorize its online publication by ICN Business School for

    46 278 Mots / 186 Pages
  • The Impact Of Forest Certification On Firm Financial Performance In Canada And The U.S

    ilisés. Elle permet de communiquer les informations environnementales aux consommateurs sur les ressources forestières. Elle a aussi le potentiel d'être un outil d'information pour les investisseurs, et donc devenir un indicateur de performance sociale ou environnementale. Problématique : La certification forestière a-t-elle un impact sur la performance financière des entreprises sur le court et le long terme, et cet impact dépend –il de l’organisme de certification, soit du type de certification ? Cadre conceptuel :

    2 922 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Was the Soviet Union seeking global dominance after World War II or was it merely promoting its own security?

    Was the Soviet Union seeking global dominance after World War II or was it merely promoting its own security?

    1. Was the Soviet Union seeking global dominance after World War II or was it merely promoting its own security? Your answer should focus on the first decade after World War II. The Soviet Union has been known throughout its history as a symbol of power and determination. Whilst in hindsight one can clearly see the weaknesses within the pan-national institution, during its height the USSR was a constant threat to the balance of power

    2 016 Mots / 9 Pages
  • How is the third world represented in contemporary narratives of the twenty- first century?

    How is the third world represented in contemporary narratives of the twenty- first century?

    1. How is the third world represented in contemporary narratives of the twenty-first century? Consider how representations have changed over time and the impact of these representations on third world communities. “The word “poverty is, no doubt, a key word of our times, extensively used and abused by everyone…who is qualified to define all that?”[1] Majid Rahnema addressed the focal problem with contemporary third world narratives with this simple question in his paper ‘Global Poverty:

    2 260 Mots / 10 Pages
  • In that framework, we focused on loss of inocence and I asked myself if is the loss of inocence necesserily imply badness ?

    In that framework, we focused on loss of inocence and I asked myself if is the loss of inocence necesserily imply badness ?

    Introduction : This year, we studied among other themes of Exile, Travel and rite of passage. In that framework, we focused on loss of inocence and I asked myself if is the loss of inocence necesserily imply badness ? is the loss of innocence the opposite of growth? Growing implies that experience take over from innocence → not perceived as a loss ; positive process Loss is a negative process, something lost that cannot be retrieved. Why

    961 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Vaccination in the 3rd world countries

    Vaccination in the 3rd world countries

    Vaccination in the 3rd world Intro Now we have all these information, I think it’s interesting to have a closer look at vaccination in the third world countries. First let me tell you how they see vaccination over there. • While it is very easy to access vaccination for us, it is completely different in countries of the third world because they are not developed and they don’t have money to pay for it. First

    401 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Whole World on Fire : Organizations, Knowledge, and Nuclear Weapons Devastation

    Whole World on Fire : Organizations, Knowledge, and Nuclear Weapons Devastation

    Lynn Eden, Whole World on Fire : Organizations, Knowledge, and Nuclear Weapons Devastation, Cornell University Press, (Ithaca, NY), 2004, pp. 1-11 et 37-60 Lynn Eden, ayant obtenu son PhD de sociologie, est désormais directrice associée pour la recherche, au Centre pour la sécurité internationale et la coopération, de l’Université de Stanford ainsi que chercheur senior, pour ce même centre depuis 1990. L’intérêt de ses recherches porte majoritairement sur la Guerre froide et l’histoire nucléaire, les

    638 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The combined effects of weight training and plyometrics on dynamic leg strength and leg power

    The combined effects of weight training and plyometrics on dynamic leg strength and leg power

    Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of plyometric exercise (depth drops), combined with weight training, on dynamic leg strength and leg power. Plyometrics are exercises that force a rapid lengthening of muscle prior to contraction, to result in increased force output during contraction. Thirty-one volunteer university students were randomly assigned to three groups according to height of drop (1.1m=high, 0.4m=low and no height). Subjects in each group were classified in

    926 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The lost world theory

    The lost world theory

    Masculinity, Virility, Patriarchy “All good people agree, And all good people say, All nice people, like Us, are We And every one else is They: But if you cross over the sea, Instead of over the way, You may end by (think of it!) looking on We As only a sort of They!” Rudyard Kipling Debits and Credits Abstract: Like many creators, Doyle's work reflects the time, he was living in. In Great Britain, from

    2 833 Mots / 12 Pages
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor

    The attack on Pearl Harbor

    Isolationism is a trend in U.S. foreign policy for minimal intervention in world affairs. It has long been a foundation of U.S. foreign policy, established as a doctrine by President James Monroe in 1823 The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack by Japanese naval air forces on December 7, 1941, against the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu in the U.S. territory of Hawaii. Authorized by Emperor Hirohito

    851 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Te world of the queen of England

    Te world of the queen of England

    Introduction: Today, we will delve into the intriguing world of the Queen of England. As one of the most iconic figures in the world, the Queen plays a pivotal role not only in the history of the United Kingdom but also on the global stage. I. Who is the Queen? A. Introduction to Queen Elizabeth II - Queen Elizabeth II is the current reigning monarch of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms. - Born

    329 Mots / 2 Pages

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