Dissertation : Marmite. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar FRANCAUS • 23 Avril 2017 • Dissertation • 385 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 262 Vues
Marmite is food spread created in 1902 in the United Kingdom, she is reputated for her taste, people love it or hate it.
• Our audience target are old british people, because the marmite are created in 1902 so only the old people know this food spread, except if they speak about it, at their children but all the same children don't like .
• Our audience target are the dog, because it taste like dog's food
t• The scenario is : a children getting up of his bed and he has going to take his breakfast he take marmite instead of nutela and put it over his toast when he eat it , he begin to throw up. After a off voice said « be careful what are you doing when you are just getting up, because the marmite can be everywhere »
•We have chose in our tv ad, a children because he represent the innocent and the children like food spread but they don’t like marmite.
•In reality the pot of marmite is at the parent, so this ad show the slogan
• The Target of our ad is Old britsh people and maybe dogs
•we chose the music of Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (FULL) to go with the ad with crunching toast's song and vomit's sound
•We dicided to put one children and the marmite
•And we chose the slogan : « you either love it or hate it »
•We chose the catchphrase « becarful what are you doing when you are just getting up because marmite can be everywhere »
• Our ad is effective because the music attract old peolpe and the vomit's sound do it unforgettable
• Why you should buy Marmite??
You should Buy Marmite because it is 100% vegetarian, so it's healty, againt nutela make you fat. Instead of put salt on nutella, buy marmite it's more cheap and more quick.
• We diceded to put the catchphrase « be careful what are you doing whan you are just getting up because mamite can be everywhere » because we think it stand in mind of our target audience and next time they are going to get up, they are going to be careful.