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Hairstyle evolution

Chronologie : Hairstyle evolution. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  8 Novembre 2016  •  Chronologie  •  591 Mots (3 Pages)  •  890 Vues

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The history of hairstyle was always a fascinating subject !

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Thanks to the evolution of hairdresser’s job and to the technological innovations, the hair can be dyed, braided, smoothed, curled, uncurled or discolored, all the whims are possible today !

It consist in arranging hair, by combing, attaching or accessorizing them of various manners.

According to centuries the feminine and male hairstyle evolved to adapt itself to each of the time.

1920 – TODAY

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The twenties marked a turning for teenager women emancipation.

The lenght of skirts and the dresses are most short at the same time as the hair.

The « mad years » change the way of thinking and reflect a company in full evolution.

Between short square and cloche hat, here hairstyles and accessories which characterize this decade.

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In the thirties, the loops and the waves are very marked in a search for glamour result.

They were already present in the short hairstyles of twenties, but this time thay are applied with more style and technique.

These small waves are adopted preferably on a square runs to the top of shoulders.

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The forties was marked in particular by the second world war.

After the end of the war in 1945, the women are in perpetual search of freedom and independence.

The looks are rather made glamour and the more modern hairstyles.

The style at the same time, sexy and female pin-up girl is represented more and more in the fashion and the magazines during this decade.

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[pic 12][pic 13]

The fashion of the fifties is based on elegance.

At that time two styles are opposed radically : female hairstyles or the cut « garçonne ».

Loops of sublim Marylin Monroe to the cut boyish of Grace Kelly

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The sixties, one mythical time which saw unloading the sexual revolution.

At that time, ti’s camp had then to be chosen : that of the lon hair which allowed bulky buns or that the short cut.

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[pic 18][pic 19]

The seventies are a true capillary revolution under the influence of the movements hippie, disco music, punk or hard rock, the men and the women break the capillary standards of the old generations.


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