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Lettre de motivation, opinion in " reader's opinion " in the newspapze The Sydney Mornin Herald

Lettre type : Lettre de motivation, opinion in " reader's opinion " in the newspapze The Sydney Mornin Herald. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  30 Novembre 2016  •  Lettre type  •  474 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 739 Vues

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Germain Fanny                                                                                 NSW2000 Sydney

Nevers 58000                                                                                        Scoffield James

2 bis rue du Commandant Barat                                       The Sydney Morning Herald  


Nevers, le 26 novembre 2016

        Dear Sir,

        I am writing this letter for the column « reader's opinion » in your newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald, and I am going to talk about the website WikiLeaks.

I think Wikileaks is one of the best thing in the internet. It's not a media control by the government, it's a free website who show us what really happen in the world. It is high time that people know what happened in others countries, or even in their country. They work with volunteers in the entire world to collect informations, and they have proof of what they post on the internet. On this website, we can see, for exemple, the reality of the war, like in Irak or in Afghanistan. On TV they just show us the least worst part of the war, and not what is really happen. On this website they give the names of  the collaborators of wars, for they can be tried. What's more, they are siding with newspaper in others countries to extend their power, like the newspaper Le Monde in France. But on the other hand, they maybe have some limits, because Wikileaks just see what the army want to see. Wikileaks bother because they say the truth. So, I think Wikileaks should be authorized, in all countries, for people know what really happen in the world.

Expecting prompt action,

Germain Fanny.


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