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In the 1960s, the French advertising was banned on television. The only authorized for distribution were called collective commercials because they were intended to promote French agricultural products.

advertising is defined as the set of techniques and means used to publicize and to enforce a good, service, company, institution or person.

Advertising is mostly business-oriented and aims to sell what she does know. It can also be designed to give a favorable brand image. It is organized around a number of stakeholders. Advertisers, agencies, manufacturers, space and managers of message delivery providers: managers of big media. Modes and forms of advertising are extremely variable: commercial advertising, editorial, classifieds, commercials, films, posters, flyers.

Advertising is everywhere. The goal for advertising to influence consumers, both in his choices in his thinking. I will talk about the influence of advertising on the image of women, on children, and behavior face the preventive campaigns.

Advertising to consume.

Advertising itself as a form of communication. It seeks to draw attention to a predefined target. Its purpose is clear incentive and aims to adopt a desired behavior, for example, the purchase of a product or service. For the company, so this is for all commercial or industrial actions to create public awareness of its products and / or services and promote the sale. Its aim is to influence the consumer to push it to the act of purchase.

The staging in advertising

In advertising, women are often relegated to stereotyped roles and gearboxes: seductive woman, object wife, submissive woman, wife mother (associated with softness, protection), women "oafish" housewife, fragile woman .. .

These representations are both the result of existing stereotypes in our society, but at the same time strengthen.

Similarly, the image and women's bodies are often misused: to sell common products (shower gel, dairy, car), their physical attributes are highlighted. One does not hesitate to represent women sexy or very bare in very suggestive poses and attitudes. They may unconsciously convey the idea of ​​a standard of women offered and willing, which has an impact on relations between men and women.

The social roles of women in the media

In the media, especially television, women still keep mostly a subordinate role:

• in TV series and films: studies show that women are mostly represented in traditional roles and functions corresponding to traditional gender stereotypes (seductive woman or mother ....) and exerting gendered occupations.

• for occupations in the media: it tends to evolve slowly for women "stars" but still difficult for others to have an equal responsibility to men in position (women are more often presenters, facilitators less emissions "serious" than men .....)

The influence of the press for teenagers

Some magazines for young people also carry behind a glamorous image, stereotyped speech.

Thus, magazines for young girls insist "girl empowerment": a young girl should be released to learn, to be sexy and freely of his body.

But behind this libertarian discourse often reproduces the traditional standard of sexy woman object, which must submit to a diktat to please men, to the detriment of his personality and qualities other than physical

Advertising also affects children. 

We must first know that advertising is for the child himself. According to a study by the Institute of the Child, children greatly influence the consumption of their families, in fact, 43% of household consumption is requested by the child. The latter is directly involved in the procurement documents for products intended for them (toys or cereals for example), 84% of parents recognize buy grain promoted on television when their child wants them (Study of the UFC-that change). But they are also increasingly active in the final purchasing decisions on products for family consumption such as food products, cars, vacations. The child's influence in the family consumption varies with age, the child becomes more influential older. This therefore makes it a prime target for advertisers. Indeed, up to 7-8 years, children do not distinguish between advertising and other programs, making them particularly vulnerable. 10 years to the child perceives the intention of advertising and advertising message itself, its confidence this message decreases, but their consumption pattern has been and remains largely influenced by the advertisements they see in daily.


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