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Stickinness factor

Étude de cas : Stickinness factor. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  4 Novembre 2015  •  Étude de cas  •  632 Mots (3 Pages)  •  973 Vues

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Nike : The last game.

Nike est une multinationale créée en 1972 par Philip Knight et Bill Bowerman dont le siège social est situé à Beaverton dans l'Oregon. Le nom Nike vient de la déesse Athena Niké capable de se déplacer à grande vitesse. Son logo ressemblant à une virgule est en fait l'aile de cette déesse. Spécialisée dans la conception de produits de sport tels que les chaussures de football ou de running, Nike va plus loin. En effet Nike vend aussi une idée, un concept de ce qu'est le sport à travers ses publicités. On retrouve souvent le fait de se surpasser, se donner les moyens de réussir. C'est aussi grâce à sa communication que Nike est aujourd'hui le leader mondial de l'équipement sportif.

Nike is a multinational created in 1972 by Philip Knight and Bill Bowerman whose head office is situated in Beaverton in the Oregon. The name Nike comes from the goddess « Athéna Niké » who is able to move quickly. The logo which looks like a comma is in fact the wing of this goddess. Specialized in the conception of sporting products such as the shoes of soccer or running, the brand goes further. Indeed Nike sells also an idea, a concept of the sport is through its advertisements. We often find the fact of surpassing himself, to success, with the famous slogan « Just do it ». It is also thanks to its communication that Nike is the world leader of the sports equipment today.

During the world cup 2014 of soccer in Brazil, Nike naturally launched a new advertising campaign called « Risk Everything ». The last opus « The last Game » highlights several players sponsored by the brand playing in partner clubs such as Ibrahimovic or Neymar. They have for mission to save their sport against their infallible clones created by a scientist. Their only chance to succeed ? To risk everything to win everything. During the game we can see originals trying all of possible things to beat clones. We find the speed in balls transmission and dribbles. This is a wink to « Athéna Niké ». Finally Ronaldo and his friends win obviously match.

Nike delivered us a clear message. The company gives its point of view on the modern soccer and on the necessary qualities to become a big player: take risks, make the difference to write the history. Davide Grasso, a manager of the mark moreover insisted on this point: “The idea behind ‘The Last Game’ is to show the world that Nike, like any true lover of football, believes that the game should be brilliant, daring and bold. Having the confidence to take risks is absolutely vital in football. Imagine a world without the brilliance of Cristiano Ronaldo, the acrobatics of Zlatan or the wizardry of Neymar.”

However Nike doesn’t give an advice to not apply it. This advertisingis also a risk-taking in  communication for the company with the production of a cartoon movie in a world cup sponsored by Adidas, their biggest concurrent. After Three days, the video crossed 30 millions views on Youtube so the risk  paid off.

This movie gives the desire to succeed, to overcome difficulties of everyday.

It forces us to move forward, to believe in oneself so that everything becomes possible. In this way ,the communication of Nike can touch the various classes of population which visualize this video. Everybody can recognize himself through the stars of the movie. This ads creates a connection with the viewer and tempts him to buy Nike’s products. This one is  memorable. It is personnal and practical. We can see that the presentation is as important as the content. We are in the stickiness factor Of Malcom Gladwell. We can find it in all  good way of communication.


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