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Fiche : Bullying. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  13 Décembre 2017  •  Fiche  •  482 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 006 Vues

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1)Before being bullied what sort of student was Joe?

Before Joe was bullied he was a normal student like the other but the particularity is that he was serious and very smart! I can say that because he participates a lot in class and his teacher congratulates him.

2) Why did Joe make a video? How did he feel at that time?

Joe makes this video because he doesn’t want to talk to his mother directly, he may be afraid and shy. But he still wants to denounce the bullies! At the time how he makes the video he was completely exhausted by this situation. He said that at the beginning it made him laugh but after a moment he couldn’t stand all this hatred.

3) How did his classmates treat him?

His classmates treat him principally like a looser or a freak and they say that he is the little pet of the teacher. He doesn’t know how it can hurt Joe and so they continue on socials networks in the evening. One day they threaten to kill him, of course they don’t do this but it is very grave to say that! They continue to bully him even on the phone.

4) Were adults aware of Joe’s suffering? Had they noticed he was unhappy? How did they find out?

Adults are not really aware of all the suffering of Joe but his mother and a supervisor have noticed that he was unhappy.

It is thanks the video that his mother have found that he was being bully.

 5) How did the problem get solved?

Afflicted, the mother of Joe decided to go to school maybe to see the headmistress in order to explain that Joe is bully and to stop this horrible situation. Joe denounced the girls who bullied him and a police officer came to ask and punish them because cyber bullying isn’t allowed by the law.

6) What message does the video give young people? What about to adults? (Parents or teachers?)

I think this video shows to the young people that bullying or even cyber bullying can be very serious and dangerous. The bullies put pictures on internet, insult or belittle a person until completely destroy him. Also, some children may laugh at other pupils at school, unfortunately socials networks enable children to go on with bullying. So parents can’t have a look at all the conversations, which is dangerous. Most of the time people who are bully become weak and they don’t talk about this maybe because they are scared or ashamed. I think that parents have to be more careful of that because 40 percent of the children are bullied.


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