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The Death Penalty

TD : The Death Penalty. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  23 Janvier 2018  •  TD  •  579 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 155 Vues

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The death penalty is a controversial issue, because of its irrevocable and barbaric aspect.

This type of sentence leaves no chance for mistake, and the Stat should not have the power of life and death over its citizens.

What is unfair about this sentence is that rich people escape more easily to this penalty than the poor ones who cannot afford a good lawyer.

And, what is especially unfair, is that the death penalty doesn’t only affect the victim, but also his family. Once the guilty is dead, the family will stay in a sense of injustice.

Moreover, among the 8000 people sentenced to death since 1970 in the US, more than 200 would be victim of judicial error.

And the worst part of all is that some American studies show that in states where the death penalty exists, it doesn’t cause a decrease in crime. So, it’s not a deterrent (dissuasive) sentence.

The death penalty doesn’t respect the fundamental right to life, who is a fundamental principle guaranteed by the article 3 and 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.

The third article say : “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”

The death penalty is an economic method, which avoids many expenses, but it’s not a good method, who kill innocent people all over the world, like we will see in 3 example.

George Stinney (1944)

He is the youngest person executed in the united States, at the age of 14.

He was convicted for the first-degree murder of 2 young girls : Betty June Binnicker (11 years old) and Mary Emma Thames (8 yeras old).

The only evidence against Stinney was the fact that the girls had spoken with him and his sister before their murder.

He went to testify by himself that he saw them before their murder, but the police officers didn’t believe him made him confessed the murder.

He was convicted in a two hour trial, and was executed by electric chair.

On December 17, 2014, his conviction was posthumously vacated 70 years after his execution

The 683 « pro-Morsi »

Mohamed Morsi was the first democratically elected head of state in Egyptian history, elected in june 2012, with 51,7 percent.

In July 2013, Abdul Fatah al Sisi takes the power by a military coup.

Then there was violent conflict between


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