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The memor bank

Synthèse : The memor bank. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  15 Mai 2023  •  Synthèse  •  623 Mots (3 Pages)  •  255 Vues

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Présentation de l’idée :

Hello, we are scientists and we are here to present you our new project which is the memory bank. This device will change human’s life and we are going to show you why.

First of all, we will see the advantages of this device for humans, then we will show you where the chip will be implant and how we will put it in your brain. Next we are going to explain to you how to use it and finally, we will explain you our collaboration with Sight System.

Les avantages :

This device will make human able to watch their memories again, when they want to and everywhere. It will allows them to not forget the past and remind everything that they learnt during their life time. Then, humans won’t have any memorie lost, and students will be able to see their knowledges for a test. It will enhance human’s brain capacities and cancel selective memory. You won’t have to take pictures anymore because you will have evrything in your brain and in your chip.


Emplacement :

This chip will be in a part of the brain which is called the hippocampus. The hippocampus is part of the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory. It’s the part of the brain who is in charge of memories. It’s located just here in the allocortex with neural projections into the neocortex in humans.

The chip won’t be bad for your health or for the planet, it will be made of mineral and renewable material like hemp or clay.

Comment on l’introduit :

So, if you want this device, you will have to have a surgery which consists to implant the chip in your brain. It won’t hurt and you will not have to be anaesthetize thanks to a new product. You will not have a long recovery and it will be quick and ready to use. We will cut cut your brain in two and put the chip in your hippocampus. Then, we’ll close your brain and that’s it. You will need a medical visit and the approbation from your general doctor, and we will do it. Obviously, it’s not free. You will have to pay 150 000$ to benefit of this technology. I know it might be expansive for you, but it’s a big enhancement, it’s been years that we are working on it and contrary to other devices, it’s not the most expansive one and it’s more useful than our rivals.


Utilisation :

To use our new invention, you’ll have to activate the chip through our app called Memory Bank app. This device is connected with bluetooth so you can watch your memories on every screen : laptop, tv, phone…The chip will collect all of the information of your brain and you will be able to filter the memories you want to see. For example, if you want to watch only your happy memories, thanks to the app, you can use the filter and it will select for you the souvenirs that provide you happiness.


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