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Trade show

Étude de cas : Trade show. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  8 Novembre 2023  •  Étude de cas  •  521 Mots (3 Pages)  •  179 Vues

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BTS NDRC 21/22

Name : tom corentin bernard emma

Organising your first

Trade show

[pic 1]

Questions to consider :

  • What is the theme and what is the point of our trade show ?
  • Where is the venue ? How big is it ?
  • What is the layout/floor plan ?
  • What does the map of the trade show look like ?
  • What sponsors do we have ?
  • Who are the vendors ?
  • What is our budget ?
  • How are we going to make money ?
  • What marketing materials do you have ?
  • What types of entertainments are planned ?
  • Who is catering at the event ? What is the menu/food option ?

[pic 2]The theme/point of our Trade Show

The theme is about the cats

[pic 3]Where is the venue ? What is it like ?

This year, The location is at Strasbourg because this is the city of the cat, we’got a place in the campaign, is in a big warehouse with more than 120 stands about the world of the cats.

What is the layout/floorplan ?     [pic 4]

13200 m², 120 stands, 80 000 visiteurs max ,free parking for exhibitors or visistor is 2 €

Opening hours

The show 10.10 to 18.00 both days.

Tickets adult : 10€

Children 6-12 years old 5€

Children under 6years old : free

Market sector

Map of the trade show            [pic 5]

[pic 6]

                          [pic 7]

Spa, mulhouse zoo, France bleu alsace, bfm alsace, UCDAVIS veterinary medecine

List and description of vendors          [pic 8] 

There is some vendors of

  •  litter / litter box
  • Croaks
  • Beauty contest
  • Cat bar
  • Bionic prosthesis
  • Cat breeders
  • Cat shop

Details of the budget            [pic 9]

For 2 days 30.000€ for the rent of location of the warehouse

and 15.000€ for the caution

25.000€ to add decoration

And the salary for 4 peoples = ) us

How do we make a profit ?     [pic 10]

We make profit with :

  •  the entries
  • location of the stands
  • 10% cats sales
  • 5% every sales
  • Sponsors and publicity
  • parking

Marketing material          [pic 11]

We spread the information troughout the region using a presentation video that broadcast videos from last year’s show.

D-day, the same video is diffuse on some TV. There is mischievous, visit card, etc in each stand.

There is an app to got more informations about the fair trad.

Entertainment               [pic 12]

  • Animations
  • Activities
  • Beauty contest

Catering             [pic 13]




Cat bar

Notes :


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