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The great Gatsby

Commentaire de texte : The great Gatsby. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  10 Octobre 2024  •  Commentaire de texte  •  283 Mots (2 Pages)  •  19 Vues

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“In his blue gardens, men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.” This sentence captures the luxuriant and superficial world of Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby. The story follows the summer of Nick Carraway, the narrator, as he makes surprising discoveries about the life of the novel's protagonist, Gatsby. Our extract is situated at the beginning of Chapter 3, when Nick is invited to one of Gatsby’s extravagant parties. This setting raises a critical question: How does the description of the party reveal the themes of illusion and superficiality in the pursuit of the American Dream? To address this question, this essay will first examine the two-faced nature of these parties. Then, we will explore the absurdity of wealth in the extract. Finally, we will analyze the overarching theme of the American Dream.


1- The two-face party

a. Opulence and joy

b. The Darkside

2- The wealth

a. absurdity

b. human costs

c. Gatsby’s presentation

3- The American dream

a. The influence of Nick’s point of view on the reader

b. An eco to the reality of the time


In conclusion, in The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald depicts a society where lavish parties mask a darker reality. The opulence and joy of these gatherings conceal the absurdity and human costs of wealth, as seen in Gatsby's tragic story. Nick's perspective provides a critical lens, allowing readers to grasp the illusions of the American Dream. Set in the 1920s, the novel highlights the contradictions of a society obsessed with wealth, revealing the shattered promises that accompany it.


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