English report victims of junk food
Discours : English report victims of junk food. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar MrCoco30200 . • 11 Avril 2017 • Discours • 516 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 786 Vues
The victims of the junk food
Nowadays, we are witnessing a new pattern of food consumption, with development of international fast food companies in the whole world. Development of outside eating made this success possible. Time being short, so some people decided to eat low quality food. This new way of consumption has its dangers. Hence we might ask ourselves what dangers are and who are junk food victims.
First, the definition of junk food is not fully delineated. Some people say that a pizza is junk food , others say that it's not a junk food meal. One thing's for sure every junk food meal has everytime certain characteristics. In fact, this kind of meal create overeating because its low quality food, for example researchers suggested many factors as low in fiber, high in palatability, it offers a high number of calories in a small volume, it's high in fat and it's high in sugar in liquid form. Moreover these meals are often provided in fast food where time to eat does'nt exceed 15 minutes. That's why one or 2 hours after you will be hungry again. It causes overeating too.
Globally we can say : junk food generally refers to foods that contribute lots of calories but little nutritional value.
So this kind of food is really dangerous for the health. Links between health problems and low quality food are now clear for scientists. Junk food causes many sort of problems like cancers, diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, cholesterol, tooth decay or also depression... So junk food world is not fine as we can think with these colored advertisements. For example Obesity is second only to smoking as a cause of death in America, or 46% of Canadian adults are either overweight or obese, with obesity in children increasing three-fold over the past 2 decades. Or in Mexico where seven in ten adults and one third of children are overweight. There was in France an increasing of 3 million of obeses during those 15 last years. 25 percents of cancer are linked with a bad diet, and there is in France 500 000 persons with an heart failure linked with overconsumption of junkfood.
We can see that this problem is essentially in North countries but, this problem is just identify in North countries, it exists in the whole world. This kind of food is cheaper than vegetables or healthy food so everyone can buy a Coca-Cola or something else. We can notice that this problem is expanding in the whole world. For example countries we called “BRICS” are facing of problem of North Countries 10 years ago. In 10 years , China has seen its adult obesity to increase by 67% , and childhood obesity tripled.
Junkfood is a real problem for the whole world yet and struggle against this scourge will be a challenge for our and futures generation. Diseases causes by this are multiples. It's a phenomenon globally causes by high price for healthy food. So for the future we have to reduce price of healthy food in order to find a global health.