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Vocabulaire du DROIT anglais

Cours : Vocabulaire du DROIT anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  6 Février 2017  •  Cours  •  355 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 113 Vues

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Law crime and punishment

To commit = commettre

To accuse someone of a crime = accuser qql

To charge someone with a crime = pour accuser qql

To plead guilty = plaider coupable

To plead not guilty = plaider non coupable

To defend/prosecute someone in court = défendre, to argue for or against someone.

To sentence someone to a punishment

To serve a sentence/ to serve time = purger une peine

To acquit an accused person of a charge = acquitté une personne a charge  not guilty

To fine someone = punir qql

To be tried = avoir un jugement en cours

Fine = amende

To prove = prouver

Evidence = preuve

Accused of = accusé de

Sentence = sentence

Crime : marjor, crime = felony, charged with manslaughter = homicide, minor crime = misdemeanor (délit mineur) , ex : to break into a house

Charged WITH murder

Charged with shoplifting

Shoplifting = vol a l’étalage

Smuggling = contrebande

Arson : incendie volontaire

Trial = procès

Evidence with finger prints : empreinte, knife = couteau, a gun, weapon : arme, blood : sang, AND : DNA, a witness = témoin

Burglar = cambiroleur

Jewelry= bijoux

Robbery = vol

Mugging = vol avec violence


Who investigates crime ? The police

Who sentences people ? The judge

Who lives in proson cells ? The murderer, the robber, the thief (fif)  le voleur, the prisonner

Who decides if someone is innocent or guilty ? The jury

Who presents evidence in court ? The lawyer and the prosecutor

Who commits crimes ? The criminal

Lawyer = avocat

Prison/ jail = prison



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