Analyse sectorielle : Autocarsharing. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar saracano5 • 21 Août 2019 • Analyse sectorielle • 580 Mots (3 Pages) • 594 Vues
How value creation will vary among customer segments for customers of tomorrow :
Four major trends will vary in the future : autonomous driving , connectivity , electrification and smart mobility.
Depending on the stage of life of the consumer we will observe a shift on the value creation as regards of customer segments . Therefore to adapt the needs of the car industry it would be necessary to specifically identify the parts of the value chain that one company aims to lead in the future .As it has been seen previously , young people seem to set the pace of the car industry future .Even though some of the four major trends are already appearing there are some elements that according to the ages will set new parameters on the value creation of the future :
- Young people seem to be more interested in carpooling and autonomous driving , they are more aware of powertrains , thus they are interested in electrical cars ( the trend is also true when people asked come from big cities )
- Young professionals will tend to require less expensive and more convenient mobility options
- Whereas married people with young children will seek convenience and flexibility with the dominance of the “ open space “ trend , due to the general expensive cost of electrical cars they are far less more likely to buy one .
- Older people without children are much more suspicious of autonomous driving and seek fiability , thus they tend to give more credibility to traditional car conceptors and the use of gasoil .
Finally when it comes to geographic parameter it seems that the consumer demand is different depending not only of the age but also of the geographic sector . China for instance could possibly be the first area of the world where those car technologies would be the most developed due to the fact that the population tend to be more opened to technologies . Chinese people are also attracted by electric vehicles , thus the future of those cars is more likely to be successful in the area of the world . Whereas in Paris the car sharing system and electric cars seems to be more attractive than in the countryside ( Nice has developed a partnership with Uber for night public transports ) . Big cities and young customers are more likely to accept autonomous driving ( and are much more interested in if they have already bought a vehicle from a premium OEM ) . Small cities have a higher negative response towards autonomous driving . To summarize the interest towards autonomous driving depending of the sizes of the cities we observe that the more bigger the citie is the more interested in autonomous driving are the inhabitants . German people are far less interested in given up mark standards in favor of more connectivity whereas China and the USA are more favorable .Old people are reluctant to trade in own cars and instead use a robot taxi , whereas the others age range are open to it if this service is cheaper . China is pretty uninterested , on the contrary Germany and the USA are open to it .