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Analyse sectorielle : Forex. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  3 Mars 2019  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  1 325 Mots (6 Pages)  •  642 Vues

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USD/BRL in 12/28/2018[pic 1]

COTATION IN 12/28/2018[pic 2]

This Friday (28), the United States currency (USD) upped 0.05%, sold at  R$ 3.8764. During the day the price of USD/BRL opened the cotation with the market price of R$ 3.8735. The best opportunities detected by RSI (Relative Strength Index) in this day for ask price was at 11:28 MT time with the price of USD/BRL at R$ 3.8346. According to Bollinger Bands indices, the best moment for bid price registered was at 12:30 MT time, with the highest cotation prices of the day around  R$ 3.8932.

The dollar closed with a low positive variation in its last trading session of 2018, but ended the year at 16.92% higher than the Real (BRL). This year was marked by high exchange rate volatility.

During Brazilian presidential elections, between August and October, the highest exchange peaks were registered, with the best exchange rate prices in FOREX, which exceeded 4.00 and reached records of exchange rates between USD/BRL. This was the best moment to sell USD/BRL.

Between the months of January and March, where the USD/BRL parity was lower and sold between 3.30-3.35, the best exchange buying opportunities were recorded. This Friday (28), the United States currency (USD) upped 0.05%, sold at  R$ 3.8764. During the day the price of USD/BRL opened the cotation with the market price of R$ 3.8735. The best opportunities detected by RSI (Relative Strength Index) in this day for ask price was at 11:28 MT time with the price of USD/BRL at R$ 3.8346. According to Bollinger Bands indices, the best moment for bid price registered was at 12:30 MT time, with the highest cotation prices of the day around  R$ 3.8932.[pic 3]

The dollar closed with a low positive variation in its last trading session of 2018, but ended the year at 16.92% higher than the Real (BRL). This year was marked by high exchange rate volatility.

During Brazilian presidential elections, between August and October, the highest exchange peaks were registered, with the best exchange rate prices in FOREX, which exceeded 4.00 and reached records of exchange rates between USD/BRL. This was the best moment to sell USD/BRL.

Between the months of January and March, where the USD/BRL parity was lower and sold between 3.30-3.35, the best exchange buying opportunities were recorded.

This Friday (28), the United States currency (USD) upped 0.05%, sold at  R$ 3.8764. During the day the price of USD/BRL opened the cotation with the market price of R$ 3.8735. The best opportunities detected by RSI (Relative Strength Index) in this day for ask price was at 11:28 MT time with the price of USD/BRL at R$ 3.8346. According to Bollinger Bands indices, the best moment for bid price registered was at 12:30 MT time, with the highest cotation prices of the day around  R$ 3.8932.[pic 4]

The dollar closed with a low positive variation in its last trading session of 2018, but ended the year at 16.92% higher than the Real (BRL). This year was marked by high exchange rate volatility.

During Brazilian presidential elections, between August and October, the highest exchange peaks were registered, with the best exchange rate prices in FOREX, which exceeded 4.00 and reached records of exchange rates between USD/BRL. This was the best moment to sell USD/BRL.

Between the months of January and March, where the USD/BRL parity was lower and sold between 3.30-3.35, the best exchange buying opportunities were recorded.

This Friday (28), the United States currency (USD) upped 0.05%, sold at  R$ 3.8764. During the day the price of USD/BRL opened the cotation with the market price of R$ 3.8735. The best opportunities detected by RSI (Relative Strength Index) in this day for ask price was at 11:28 MT time with the price of USD/BRL at R$ 3.8346. According to Bollinger Bands indices, the best moment for bid price registered was at 12:30 MT time, with the highest cotation prices of the day around  R$ 3.8932.[pic 5]

The dollar closed with a low positive variation in its last trading session of 2018, but ended the year at 16.92% higher than the Real (BRL). This year was marked by high exchange rate volatility.

During Brazilian presidential elections, between August and October, the highest exchange peaks were registered, with the best exchange rate prices in FOREX, which exceeded 4.00 and reached records of exchange rates between USD/BRL. This was the best moment to sell USD/BRL.

Between the months of January and March, where the USD/BRL parity was lower and sold between 3.30-3.35, the best exchange buying opportunities were recorded.

This Friday (28), the United States currency (USD) upped 0.05%, sold at  R$ 3.8764. During the day the price of USD/BRL opened the cotation with the market price of R$ 3.8735. The best opportunities detected by RSI (Relative Strength Index) in this day for ask price was at 11:28 MT time with the price of USD/BRL at R$ 3.8346. According to Bollinger Bands indices, the best moment for bid price registered was at 12:30 MT time, with the highest cotation prices of the day around  R$ 3.8932.[pic 6]

The dollar closed with a low positive variation in its last trading session of 2018, but ended the year at 16.92% higher than the Real (BRL). This year was marked by high exchange rate volatility.


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