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The Lost Room

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er avec Dieu... Joe Miller découvre l’existence d’un Occupant dans la chambre du motel, pouvant être l’Objet Premier lui permettant de retrouver sa fille.

Episode 1 - The Key

Just before dying, a young man confided to the Inspector Joe Miller the key to a room of a hotel located along the legendary Route 66. The key, with powers, opens the chamber 10 of the Sunshine Motel, where many objects have unique properties and inexplicable, transforming ordinary objects into simple and powerful artifacts indestructible. Inspector Miller is still unclear how this key will transform his life until his daughter disappears in that famous room ...

Episode 2 - The Awakening

To retrieve his daughter Anna, Joe contacted Jennifer Bloom, a member of the Legion whose goal is to eliminate objects. Then he forces Montague to cooperate with him.Together, they try and be the first to discover certain features accessories when combined. Their audacity leads them in the wealthy Kreutzfeld, a collector paranoid ...Meanwhile, Dr. Martin Ruber is destabilized by its research on these artifacts.

Episode 3 - The Comb

Joe, now accused of murdering his teammate Lou, is held by men Creutzfeld which tells the story of objects and encourages him to continue his quest. Joe then asked about the comb that stops time, owned by Harold. The quest ends in an abandoned area of ​​New Mexico, up to Gall, along with Wally ... Meanwhile, Dr. Ruber attempts to contact the Order of the Reunification ...

Episode 4 - The Box

Wally Joe learns that a particular event occurred May 4, 1961 in room 10 of the Sunshine Motel. However, locally up to Gall, Joe finds that the chamber 10 does not exist. It then enters the chamber 9 and sees a ghost, a woman he seeks to identify to find his daughter Anna. Moreover, Martin Ruber is enthroned in the Order, a group of collectors for whom reunification Objects could allow to communicate with God ... Joe Miller discovers the existence of an occupant in the motel room, which can be theFirst Subject enabling him to find his daughter


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