Remise à niveau en vocabulaire : New General Service List
Commentaire d'arrêt : Remise à niveau en vocabulaire : New General Service List. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar vsdvsd • 4 Octobre 2021 • Commentaire d'arrêt • 8 784 Mots (36 Pages) • 408 Vues
Remise à niveau en vocabulaire : New General Service List
(NGSL-version éditée –classée et illustrée par des phrases d’exemple)
Liste des 2800 mots utiles les plus fréquents en anglais
Utilisez cette liste pour revoir les mots en contexte, et copiez dans un fichier ou notez dans un carnet les mots nouveaux pour vous. Apprenez-les puis utilisez les cartes de révision Quizlet (voir liens sur Moodle) pour réviser pour les tests, avec la prononciation.
Contenu dans l’ordre du document et ordre de révision :
1) Grammar | To review for … : | TEST |
1a articles | Week 2 | Week 4 |
1b pronouns | Week 2 | Week 4 |
1c prepositions | Week 2 | Week 4 |
1d link words | Week 2 | Week 4 |
2) Adverbs | Week 3 | Week 4 |
3) Adjectives | Week 4 | Week 6 |
4 ) Verbs | ||
4a verbs simple (1) | Week 5 | Week 8 |
4b verbs simple (2) | Week 6 | Week 8 |
4c verbs advanced – faux amis | Week 9 | Week 11 |
4d verbs advanced –other | Week 10 | Week 11 |
5) Nouns | ||
5a transparent | Week 3 | Week 4 |
5b almost transparent | Week 4 | Week 6 |
5c simple | Week 7 | Week 8 |
5d intermediate | Week 8 | Week 11 |
Grammar: articles, prepositions, link words
ARTICLES & DETERMINERS | French | Example |
a | un/une | She is having a baby. |
the | le | Where is the hospital? |
this | ça/ce | I want this book for my birthday. |
that | celui-là/celle là | I don't want this cake, I want that one there! |
all | tout | She has eaten all the chocolates. |
most | la plupart de | He spent most days at the beach. |
several | plusieurs | Several students are missing today. |
many | beaucoup de + pluriel | Many brave people have climbed Mount Everest. |
much | beaucoup de +indénombrable | He doesn’t have much strength left. |
some | quelques | I ate some cookies. |
various | divers, différent | There were various answers to the question. |
few | peu de | There are few good restaurants in this town. |
no | pas de, aucun | There are no good restaurants on this street. |
any | de, du, des | Do you have any bread? |
such | (un) tel | I have never seen such an amazing cake! |
another | un autre | Do you have another pen, please? |
each | chaque | Each cat has its own personality. |
every | chaque, tous les.. | I go to California every year. |
everything | tout | Everything went wrong. |
something | quelque chose | Is there something on my nose? |
anything | n’importe quoi, tout | Anything can happen if you work hard enough. |
nothing | rien | I have nothing in my pockets. |
either | soi / l’un ou l’autre | Either you love me or you don’t. You can have either of those cookies. |
everyone | tout le monde | Everyone said they loved your party. |
someone | quelqu'un | Someone ate the last piece of cake. |
anyone | n'importe qui/ personne | Anyone who wants to join me is welcome. I don’t see anyone on the street. |
(no one) | personne | Peter had a party but no one came. |
everybody | tous ceux | Everybody prefers chocolate to vanilla. |
somebody | quelqu'un | Somebody came in while we were gone! |
nobody | personne | Nobody eats caviar every day, do they? |
none | aucun | None of these avocados are ripe. |
I | je | I drive a car. |
you | tu | You drink coffee. |
he | il | He eats chocolate. |
she | elle | She eats chocolate. |
it | ça, ce | It is a very nice house. |
we | nous | We want to go to the beach. |
they | ils ou elles | They are hungry. |
their | leur | Their dog is cute. |
myself | moi-même | I made dinner myself. |
yourself | toi-même | You watched the entire series by yourself. |
herself | elle-même | She can go to the bathroom now by herself. |
himself | lui-même | He can go to the bathroom now by himself. |
itself | soi-même | The movie itself was quite good, but what I enjoyed the most was the soundtrack. |
themselves | eux-mêmes | They will organize your project among themselves. |
mine | le mien/mienne | That coat is mine. |
Movement | ||
to | à | He went to the shop. |
from | de, depuis | We walked from our house to the lake. |
toward | vers, dans la direction de | Walk towards the post, then turn left. |
back | à l’arrière | Don’t look back! |
forward | en avant | I can bend forward and touch my toes. |
away | loin (de qch) | My parents are a long way away. |
up | en haut de, dans | That cat was up in the tree. |
down | un peu plus loin, en bas de | The restaurant is just down the street. |
out | hors de | She walked out of the house. |
off | de | The glass fell off the table. |
into | dans | Come into my office. |
through | à travers | The bullet went through his body. |
PLACE | ||
in | dans | I left your book in the car. |
on | sur | Your keys are on the table. |
at | à | I bought this bread at the bakery. |
by | près de, à côté de | Their house is by the sea. |
over | au-dessus de | The painting hangs over the table. |
under | au-dessous de | The boy left his teddy under the bed. |
between | entre | The florist shop is between the post and the butcher. |
around | autour de | They put a fence around the swimming pool. |
above | au-dessus de | She hangs a picture above the fireplace. |
below | sous, en dessous de | The coffee maker is in a drawer below the coffee cups. |
behind | derrière | The butcher stands behind the counter. |
near | près de | I live near the grocery store. |
inside | à l’intérieur, dedans | In winter we like to stay inside. |
outside | à l'extérieur | In summer we prefer to eat outside. |
across | de l’autre côté de, en face de | The house is across from the school. |
opposite | a l’opposé | His house is directly opposite ours. |
among | parmi | The farm is situated among the cornfields. |
along | le long de | I often go for a run along the river. |
upon | sur | The cat sat upon the table. |
beyond | au-delà de | Clouds were visible beyond the mountains. |
ahead | devant | Paul couldn't see ahead, there were too many people blocking his view. |
TIME | ||
before | avant | Make sure you eat breakfast before you go. |
after | après | We are going to the pub after class today. |
during | pendant | I fell asleep during the lecture. |
since | depuis | I haven't eaten McDonalds since I was a kid! |
until | jusqu’à | I plan on staying at the café until 6PM. |
within | dans, d’ici | I will arrive within 10 minutes. |
OTHER | ||
of | de | She is a friend of mine. |
for | pour (+nom) | I am in Italy for two weeks. |
with | avec | Do you take your tea with sugar? |
without | sans | Can you make this sandwich without cheese? |
against | contre | He is against Trump's policy. |
about | environ | There were about 150 people at the shop. |
per | par | The meal costs $15 per person. |
except | sauf | Everyone is welcome except Paul. |
throughout | tout au long de | I had coffee many times throughout the day. |
apart | à part | Apart from a short layover in Rome, I have never been to Italy. |
Most frequent | ||
and | et | I like dogs and cats. |
but | mais | I like lizards but I hate snakes. |
or | ou | You can come tonight or tomorrow. |
so | donc | He was late, so we left without him. |
because | parce que | She speaks French because her mom is Belgian. |
that | que | I ate so much cake that it made me sick. |
as | comme, aussi | He thinks of himself as a great chef. |
if | si | If you are free tonight, we can get a drink. |
which | quel | Which color do you like best? |
who | qui | Who called you during the movie? |
when | quand | I was reading when he called me. |
what | que | What are you doing? |
where | où | Where were you when Michael Jackson died? |
how | comment | How do fix a flat tire? |
why | pourquoi | Why is the sky blue? |
than | que (comparaison) | She is smarter than he is. |
however | cependant | You can leave now; however, you will have to be back by 2pm. |
Advanced | ||
while | pendant que, tandis que | She wrote an email while I was watching TV. |
whereas | tandis que, alors que | He likes broccoli, whereas she hates it. |
thus | par conséquent, ainsi | They couldn’t come to a compromise; thus, everyone decided to move on. |
indeed | en effet | Indeed, I plan to eat out tonight. |
though | bien que | It was easy to find a job, though I had little experience. |
whether | si | We are not sure whether it will rain. |
although | bien que, même si | I see her all the time although we rarely speak anymore. |
therefore | donc, par conséquent | I am vegan; therefore, I refuse to eat cheese. |
whatever | quoi que | Whatever I say, she does the opposite. |
despite | malgré | Despite all my studying, I failed the exam. |
unless | sauf si, à moins que | We could go to a concert unless you would rather go to the theater. |
nor | ni | The lecture wasn't very informative nor was it very interesting. |
neither | ni... ni | Neither the boy nor the girl understood what was happening. |
MOST FREQUENT | French | Example |
yes | oui | Yes, I’ll go with you. |
no | non | No, I’d prefer something else. |
not | pas | That’s not the right book. |
more | plus | I like this one more. |
less | moins | Films are less interesting than books. |
too | aussi | She likes series too. |
very | très | That’s very boring. |
only | seulement | It’s only five dollars. |
well | bien | They sing well. |
also | aussi | He also dances. |
even | même | You didn’t even study? |
a lot | beaucoup | She eats a lot. |
okay | d’accord | Okay, I’ll do that. |
yeah | ouais | Yeah, that sounds fun. |
plus | en plus | She doesn’t want to, plus she can’t. |
left | gauche | It’s to the left of the park. |
right | droite | Turn right at the end of the street. |
| ||
TIME | ||
now | maintenant | Now it’s time for dinner. |
then | puis | I’ll wake up; then, I’ll shower. |
never | ne…jamais | I never play sports. |
always | toujours | It’s always raining here. |
still | toujours/encore | We’re still waiting. |
again | encore | You’re traveling again? |
often | souvent | She visits us often. |
once | une fois | I did that once. |
twice | deux fois | He’s seen that film twice. |
already | déjà | We already talked about that. |
yet | encore, déjà | Are we there yet? |
ever | Jamais (question ou négation) | Have you ever seen such a thing? |
soon | bientôt | We will arrive soon. |
Ago | il y a (fin de phrase) | They fell asleep three hours ago. |
sometimes | parfois | I sometimes like to exercise. |
just | venir de | I’ve just returned. |
early | tôt | You’re up early. |
today | aujourd’hui | What are your plans for today? |
yesterday | hier | What did you do yesterday? |
tomorrow | demain | Let’s go there tomorrow. |
usually | d’habitude | I don’t usually eat so much. |
generally | généralement | Generally, we eat dinner at 6 PM. |
daily | quotidiennement | He has English class daily. |
recently | récemment | They recently vacationed in Italy. |
immediately | tout de suite | Do your homework immediately! |
suddenly | tout à coup | Suddenly, she fainted. |
finally | enfin | The exam is finally over. |
eventually | finalement | The plane eventually took off. |
quickly | rapidement | We quickly drove away. |
| ||
really | vraiment | This book is really interesting. |
enough | assez | Did you get enough to eat? |
quite | plutôt | It’s quite far away. |
pretty | plutôt, assez | Math is pretty boring. |
rather | plutôt, assez | That’s rather annoying. |
slightly | légèrement | He slightly raised his voice. |
almost | presque | We almost won. |
nearly | presque | You’ve nearly arrived. |
fully | entièrement | I don’t think you fully understand. |
totally | totalement | That is totally inappropriate. |
completely | complètement | He is completely crazy! |
clearly | clairement | She is clearly in love with him. |
obviously | évidemment | You would obviously prefer to leave. |
highly | extrêmement | This doctor is highly recommended. |
absolutely | absolument | That is absolutely false. |
extremely | extrêmement | I am extremely upset with you. |
mostly | essentiellement | She has mostly finished her work. |
relatively | relativement | The trip is relatively short. |
hardly | à peine | We have hardly any money. |
| ||
perhaps | peut-être | I thought perhaps you’d like this. |
maybe | peut-être | Maybe we’ll swim later. |
possibly | possiblement | That’s possibly the best book ever. |
probably | probablement | We will probably arrive on time. |
certainly | certainement | She certainly looks healthy. |
| ||
OTHER | ||
together | ensemble | Let’s do it together. |
here | ici | I’ll sit here. |
far | loin | New York is far from California. |
somewhere | quelque part | He’s somewhere in Europe. |
instead | plutôt, à la place | Let’s eat pizza instead. |
anyway | quand même | It wasn’t good, but I liked it anyway. |
otherwise | sinon | She should buy a ticket, otherwise she won’t be able to come. |
simply | simplement | The cake is simply delicious. |
especially | particulièrement | Rowing is especially difficult. |
exactly | précisément | That’s exactly right. |
particularly | particulièrement | I don’t particularly want to go. |
easily | facilement | You could easily run five kilometers. |
directly | directement | Go directly to the grocery store. |
apparently | apparemment | Apparently it’s a new dishwasher. |
currently | actuellement | May is currently the British PM. |
actually | en fait | Actually, I think that seems fun. |
carefully | prudemment | Cross the street carefully, it’s busy. |
unfortunately | malheureusement | Unfortunately, the bus was late. |
Adjectives – IRREGULIERS en anglais : jamais de –s!
NB: Dans ce tableau, seul le masculin est indiqué pour la traduction