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Analyse d'un film dystopique en anglais

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Analyse d'un film dystopique en anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  8 Janvier 2017  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  307 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 537 Vues

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the kind dystopian is very used in literature and cinema as noted in hunger games .However, this is not not the only, it is also used in V for vendetta

Adam Sutler, a merciless tyrant, succeeded in establishing a fascist regime in England. But a man struggles against his arbitrary power: a mysterious hero who is known as the "V". Multiplying the terrorist actions, he tries to destabilize the Sutler regime. One night, Evey Hammond, is violently taken by militiamen. But "V" flies to his rescue. The men of the secret police then pursue her, convinced that she is the accomplice of this political criminal. Inspector Finch intends to make her talk to unmask "V". But while the judge takes her under his wing, Evey understands that he is preparing a decisive action against Sutler. Thereafter '' will avenge by killing every person who participates in the experience of which he was the victim. After the death of one of them, Inspector Finch found his diary with all the details of this experiment and the terrible rise to power of Sulter. After many terrorist acts '' v '' wants to finish vendetta by exploding the English Parliament like Guy Fawkes in 1605

In the end he killed the Chancellor but died of the numerous wounds caused by the bullets of the guards, he then died in the arms of Evey to whom he entrusts the responsibility of choosing between to explode the parliament or not. She chooses to blow it up. The film thus ends the parliament exploding under the music of "v" (tchaikovsky ), Evey talking to Inspector Finch, and the crowd unveiling their face by lifting the mask of "v", one can see there close-up all the important dead characters revive as a message: men can die but not the ideas.


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