Explication casino dans cinéma en anglais
Étude de cas : Explication casino dans cinéma en anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Lolister911 • 17 Décembre 2018 • Étude de cas • 380 Mots (2 Pages) • 661 Vues
Mixing is very important here. The song is first very present and then goes into the background when Sam arrives which gives importance to his arrival, and it remains so until the end of the game. On the last part, the camera first follows Ginger in close-up dynamically, or in fixed American plane, allowing us to see the crowd rush on the chips. The music is still very present, but we still hear noises. On a second time, the music will take more importance until completely eclipsing the noises. Time freezes on Ginger’s face, the arrival of the song Love is Strange. Ace attends the stage (zooming to a close-up highlights him one last time). Then Ginger goes out slowly, the scene and the crowd being vague around her. These two elements show that time and space are not important to him, he is focused on her. The noises finally come back little by little to give importance to the "What a move" of Sam, last witness of his love at first sight. Let's go back to an overview. This sequence consists in 3 different pieces. Ginger appears on Eddie Harris & Less McCann's Compared to What, and the lyrics announce what will follow: "Try to make it real". Sam has only glimpsed Ginger, but we are left to think that he is already in love. Slippin 'and Slidin' by Little Richard talks about a man who decides not to let his wife give in to him, but is interrupted by Mickey & Sylvia's latest song Love Is Strange. Here also the meaning is strong: "My sweet baby" intervenes during the zoom on Ace while "you're the one" follows the Ginger’s face.
In conclusion, there are several issues in this excerpt: staging Sam's thunderbolt for Ginger, while adding an extra dimension. Indeed, the beginning of the film presents the foundations and the functioning of a system, and this sequence announces the fall which will follow. First of all, by Sam and Ginger's marriage failure , which will reproduce the same situation as Ginger and the man who plays with her, but we can also see Ginger as a symbol of this race for money and money power, which will lead them to their loss. Scorsese will also declare in an interview: "Ginger is Vegas".