Anglais bts info
Recherche de Documents : Anglais bts info. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoiresres et les antonymes (s’ils existent !).
Exemple pour le thème transport
bus coach car to drive (v) a car old (adj) new (adj) driver (n) petrol (n) pass (n) A very old / new (adj) car. Petrol is very expensive today. Yearly underground pass. bus (n) car (n) voiture (n) conduire une voiture ancien neuf conducteur essence abonnement / billet (hebdomadaire / mensuel / annuel etc.) une voiture très ancienne / neuve. l’essence est très chère aujourd’hui. un abonnement annuel de métro.
8 A109 LX PA 00
8 A109 LX PA 00 07 som.indd 4
27/09/07 17:23:57
Unit 1
Presenting companies, departments and jobs
abroad agree (with) anti-lock braking system apologise (for) apply (for) approve (of) as a result ask (for) average aware (of) à l’étranger être d’accord (avec) ABS (automobile) s’excuser postuler (à) / poser une candidature (pour) approuver en conséquence demander moyen(ne) être conscient (de)
become belong (to) boost brand name broken down business trips devenir appartenir (à) propulser / hausser / faire remonter en flèche marque tombé(e) en panne voyages d’affaires
cheap check commonly company computer conduct confer (with) consumer convenient country pas cher vérifier couramment / fréquemment entreprise ordinateur mener / diriger conférer / accorder (à) consommateur pratique / commode pays
8 A109 LX PA 00
8 A109 LX PA 00 07 séq1.indd 5
27/09/07 17:26:30
Unit 1
deadline delay department depend (on) digital discrepancy dust duties date butoir / limite retard service dépendre (de) numérique divergence / contradiction / décalage / différence poussière devoirs / tâches / besognes
easy going entertainement expenses expensive complaisant divertissement des frais cher(e) / coûteux
factory found founder fall behind focus (on) forefront usine créer / fonder ( une société) créateur / fondateur (pour une société) être à la traîne / se laisser distancer se concentrer sur à la pointe de
goals a great deal (of) green light growth buts beaucoup (de) feu vert développement / croissance / expansion
handle hardly ever household name s’occuper de quelque chose presque jamais marque très connue
in addiction (to) increase issue en plus (de) monter / accroître / augmenter problème / question
job interview entretien pour un travail
keep keyboard garder clavier
8 A109 LX PA 00
8 A109 LX PA 00 07 séq1.indd 6
27/09/07 17:26:30
Presenting companies, departments and jobs
laptop launch link lion’s share long-range ordinateur portable lancer (une société, une opération) lien la part du lion long terme
main maintain management manufacture means of transport meeting metal housing mistake most of the time principal garder la direction (d’une entreprise) fabriquer moyen(s) de transport réunion boîtier métallique erreur la plupart du temps
needs network never besoins réseau jamais
often on land on water oversee overtime own souvent sur terre sur l’eau superviser heures supplémentaires posséder
patent proficient provide brevet compétent fournir
rank rate relationships rely (on) remain remotely replicated requirements resign (from) classer vitesse / rythme / taux rapports compter sur qqn / qqe chose rester / continuer à distance reproduit besoins donner sa démission (de)
8 A109 LX PA 00
8 A109 LX PA 00 07 séq1.indd 7
27/09/07 17:26:31
Unit 1
rising running
qui monte qui fonctionne
sensitive several share (v) shares (n) size skill smoothly sometimes speed staff star stay abreast (of) stem (from) stock exchange sub-contractor subsidiaries succeed (in doing) suppliers sensible plusieurs partager des actions / parts d’une société taille compétence sans à-coups des fois vitesse personnel étoile rester à la hauteur de provenir (de) / découler (de) / dénuer (de) la Bourse sous-traitant filiales réussir (à faire) fournisseurs
thanks to tight budget tightly timeframes trade union trading turnover grâce à budget serré étroitement délais syndicat opération commerciale / transaction chiffre d’affaires
usually d’habitude
working hours worldwide horaires de travail mondial(e)
8 A109 LX PA 00
8 A109 LX PA 00 07 séq1.indd 8
27/09/07 17:26:31
Presenting companies, departments and jobs
Presenting and IS department
Interviewer: IS manager:
Could you tell me a little about the way your IS department is organised? OK. I’ll try. Our organisation is really split into 2 dimensions. One is linked to geographical regions, and the other is linked to the technology we cover. From a geographical point of view, we’re organised like most large companies. There are 3 main geographical regions; Europe, the Americas and the Greater Asia Region. There are sub-divisions within these regions. The European sector for example is sub-divided into 4 areas, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North Europe and the Mediterranean. Okay. Like you say, it’s a fairly traditional organisation. What about the technical dimension? From the technological point of view ... well, I’m not very familiar with the way specific applications are handled, because I’m part of the global infrastructure team. This team is broken down into 3 or 4 areas, (…… as sometimes 2 areas are mixed together). Generally speaking, there is the Work Station and Help Desk Area, the Server Area and the Telecom Area. …. And these areas are broken down again into different specialised units. Okay so far. ……. Perhaps you could describe one of these areas in a little more detail. Ehm… If I focus on the way the telecom area is organised, for example. ……. There are 4 specialised units. The data network, that’s your personal computer with internet access, connection to one or more servers…eh .well connection to whatever device there is on the network. We also have the voice network, everything that’s related to voice. The voice area includes, of course, the phone system but also what we call the conference call bridge, mobile... mobile phones, and also the link with videoconferencing and IP phones. Sorry … What’s the difference between conference call bridges and videoconferencing? Well, Conference Call Bridge is audio only. …. There can be a certain number of participants together in the same virtual room, and everyone can speak at the same time……well, hopefully not everyone at the same time. Yes, it could get really confusing. Yeah, but usually it’s OK. We are really used to doing this as we spend a lot of time in meetings, and when I say meetings, most of the time I mean virtual ones. It’s cost saving. So, for this we use tools like conference call bridges; either inhouse devices which we manage ourselves or tools we buy outside... sometimes we buy the service outside. Eh,…… I’ve spoken about the Data Network and the Voice Network, there is also the External Access Network. This is the core LAN network with connection to the outside