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Seminar Portfolio

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Par   •  13 Avril 2020  •  Compte rendu  •  901 Mots (4 Pages)  •  567 Vues

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Seminar 1 – Portfolio

Creativity techniques workshop

For this first item the level of challenge was according to me, really high. It may be the harder activity for me in comparison to the others. I am usually a really creative person and when I had to do the exercises I was just without any inspiration. It was really hard for me to understand what we have to do and what the lecturers attend of us. I was feeling like not in my comfort zone and that disturbs me because in general I really like this kind of exercises. Maybe it was because it was the beginning of the year and I had some difficulties to express myself in English.

Moodboard crafting and pitch

The mood board project was definitely my favorite project. I was feeling in my comfort zone and had a lot of pleasure to do this assignment. I was really enthusiastic to show everyone my mood board. However, it’s sometimes hard for me to talk about my weakness in general so I did a big effort to talk about it to people I don’t know. I talked about my weakness to other persons and some of them had the same weakness as me. Therefore, they explain to me how they manage to deal with their weakness, and we learned from each other. For my mood board, I used paint, and painting is my passion, so I just really appreciate to do this project. Indeed, the mood board helps me improve my creativity and to open myself to others by the same time.

Potluck lunch

With this Potluck lunch, I learned more about other cultures and traditions and it was really interesting and rewarding. In the beginning, I was afraid to taste the dishes of other countries and not like it or that no one appreciate my dishes. But finally, this lunch teaches me to trust people, to be open-minded, and teach me more about other cultures. Now I know a lot about the specialties of different countries, and I think it can be very important in an international BA. To make the French dishes, I had to cook with French people and it was rewarding because even if it is a French dishes we all have a different way to do it so we had to be agreed on how we are going to do it, therefore, we learn how to work together.

Creative campaign and pitch

The creative campaign and pitch were rather a challenge because I never worked in a project like that already. However, I took a lot of pleasure for this creative campaign and I also had a good group, so it was easy to talk about my ideas and my opinions. Also, this project helps me to work with people and the creative campaign improved my creativity. I learn how to do an animated video and a little design for the company, which is very rewarding. I realized that for each target group you can’t use the same campaign. Indeed, you have to really know your target group in order to create a good campaign and a campaign appropriate for your target group.

Guest lecture: visual facilitation

This guest lecture was interesting and helpful for my personal projects. Indeed, we learned what was visual facilitation and how we can use it in order to catch the attention of our colleagues during a meeting. We


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