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Dissertation : Emailing. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  7 Avril 2020  •  Dissertation  •  1 190 Mots (5 Pages)  •  535 Vues

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Inbox : Definition from Cambridge dictionary :


Inbox : place on a computer where emails that are sent to you are kept.


(UK in tray)

flatopen container where letters and other documents are put when they arrive in a person's office and where they are kept until the person has time to deal with them: 

Just put it in my inbox and I'll look at it later.

What is the importance of an inbox ?

  • It allows you to relate + to keep in touch
  • It allows to perform your duties/tasks + to follow up
  • It allows you to meet your deadlines

It is nos always easy :

  • You need to be well organized = ability to prioritize + ability to schedule + have good time management

  1. Fill in the sentences with the appropriate words:
  1. Email is an extremely useful communication tool………………………………

tool – trend - style

  1. When used inappropriately, email may hinder…………………productivity.  

boost – hinder - favour

  1. Emailing is a very time-consuming…………………………………… activity.    

time-consuming – funny – social  

  1. it can become a drain……………………… on time and energy.

source – drain - waste

  1. En email inbox which is filled with unopened, old and unimportant messages is a cluttered………………… inbox.

cluttered – clean - updated

  1. In this case you need to detox…………………… it.

                build – repair – detox

  1. Keep your email inbox under………………… control.

under – on – over

When your inbox is full of unsorted emails, you need to detox it or it will be cluttered. It required good time management, ability to prioritize and to schedule. Emailing is very time-consuming be it is

  1. How to manage your inbox ?

deleted  - browse - follow up – requires – prioritize – overwhelm – group – file - be in touch - clean out -  bury – sit – reply – deadlines - critical

Browse………………………your inbox for emails regularly.

 spam or promotional emails may be deleted

Check if the email requires…………………………… a response.  

Do not let important emails sit………………… in your inbox for days.

Usually, reply………………… to the sender within 48 hours.

If you are not in a position to respond immediately , contact the sender to inform you have received the email and you will be in touch…………………………… shortly.

Set …deadlines………………  to ……reply……………………  = answer .

A critical………………………  email requires an urgent treatment.

To conclude, you need to file………………, …………………… and group………………  messages to keep your inbox organised.

Newsletters and advertisements can overwhelm…………………………  your inbox and bury…………………………  important messages.

When your inbox gets cluttered you need to clean out…………………  the clutter.

  1. Which words, taken from the above exercises, are suggested below ?

[pic 1]  …File…………………………

[pic 2] …browse…………………………………

[pic 3]   =   [pic 4]…hinder……………………………………

[pic 5] tool…………………………………………

[pic 6]  adjective : …overwhelmed…………………………………

[pic 7]  a ……cluttered………………… desk

  1. Comment -  Write a small paragraph using at least 5 words from the exercises above.

« When managing your inbox, do not delay until tomorrow what can be accomplished right away. »

Comment :Clean out your inbox is critical because you can miss proritises and important messages. Get some deadlines to finish your urgent treatment.

To conclude, sit and be serious so you wont be lost in your inbox.

  1. More vocabulary … The makeup of an email:
  1. The person who sends the email is the sender…………………………
  2. The person who receives an email is the receptor…………………………
  3. The label of the email which mentions the main reason for writing is the ………………………………… line.
  4. the ‘From – to – date – Cc – Bcc – subject’ part of the email is the ……………HEADING………………
  5. The part of the email in which you ‘say hello’  = greet is the …GREETING………………
  6. The documents and files sent along with the email = the main,  are the ………file-attachement…………………
  7. The paragraphs represent the ………main…………………
  8. The last sentence of the email, when saying  ‘goodbye’ is the ………………ending………………

Remember …

Cc…Carbon Copy—When you want to send a copy of a message to someone else

               « You copied Mr Taylor in »

Bcc…Blind Carbon Copy—When you want to send a copy of a message and the recipient of the original message not be aware of it

  1. The makeup of an email : name the different parts of this email


our next special test session

Hi Steve,= very informal


Dear Mr

Dear Mrs = you address the person as a married person

Miss = unmarried : usually for very young staff

Ms = a generic status for women

Mr + name

Ms + name

Dear Sir, Dear Madam = whenever u do not know the name

I just wanted to remind you that we are having a special test session starting next Monday. We will need to have the assignments ready for the students.

Please make sure to print all the documents.

See you then.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely

Martha Nichols

  1. Read this address loud :




.com = dot com

  1. Write the following email in English :

You are writing an email to your current loyal customers :

  • Thank them for their loyalty and purchasing at your shoe retail.
  • Say you value your most regular customers.
  • Inform them there will be a private sale – dates : 01.12.2019 – 05.12.2019.
  • Invite them
  • Inform them on the discounts : up to 70% off.
  • End your email by saying you will also offer a special gift.
  • Ending.
  • Do not forget the layout and header.

From : shoe.retailer@gmail.com

To : customers.database@gmail.com

Date : Today’s date = Monday (the) nineth (of) December (of) 2019

Subject : Private sales invitation to attend

Greetings : Dear Customers,

We have the chance to count you as our one of our VIP customers.

We would like to thank you for regularly purchasing from our store.

We value our most regular customers and we have pleasure to invite you to our private sale :

From December 1st to / till December 6th

We are glad = we are happy, to inform you that you will be offered up to 70% off discount on your purchases.

Furthermore = moreover = besides a special gift will be offered at our front desk.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Best regards.

Kind regards.

Dear all,

To invite to attend ( inviter à participer)

Communication directors in/from our locales agencies

Our annual meeting

To hold a meeting (tenir une reunion)

The venue (batiment destine à l’accueil de personnes)


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