Hidden figures, vidéo quizz
Résumé : Hidden figures, vidéo quizz. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar emilie.bebin • 30 Septembre 2020 • Résumé • 381 Mots (2 Pages) • 512 Vues
- My first impression was that Katherine was a gifted girl and that she was going to accomplish great things.
- She sat in the back of the bus because black people at that time had to be sitting in the back of the bus it was a form of discrimination.
- The women work in NASA, Virginia.
- A missile is a weapon that flies.
- She’s got a bin can 'cause the men in the room where she’s going to work thought she was a cleaning lady like she was black.
- She is called computer because she is smart like a computer.
- « It’s not because we wear skirt, it’s because we wear glasses » . It’s ironic, she says it’s not because she’s wearing skirts that they look smart, but because she’s wearing glasses.
That’s an ironic quote to say that women are smart too
- It represents the struggle of women to stop belonging to a man and to be seen only as ,mothers at home who have to care for their children.
- « it’s crunch time » mean when people are being impatient .
- Ogling mean to stare obviously at someone cute
- Because relationship interracial weren’t accepted
- The four important periods in this film are:
_The cold wars, which made the launch of the sputnik rocket.
_We are shown what the segregation laws were (toilets for white and black separated, restaurants...).
_The first American to fly into orbit.
_ And the take-off of Appolo 11 also thanks to a black woman designated as a computer, it is thanks to her that were finding the trajectories.
- He changed the image of the woman by showing that they were not just housewives as one might think at that time but that they also accomplished great things like men.
But at that time, in the '60s it was not shown.
14) This film teaches us that we must not stop at one part of history, that there is always more. Few people before knew the existence of these women computers that have also revolutionized the world, they are not only men.And that we must look in the past not to do the same things in the future, for example the Cold War but also the laws of segregation that prevent black people from sharing things like whites.