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Hidden figures

Chronologie : Hidden figures. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  10 Avril 2024  •  Chronologie  •  366 Mots (2 Pages)  •  281 Vues

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Hidden Figures

2) The Russians went first to space with Sputnik. It was Chernuska, it was a dog named Laika and also a mannequin.

3) They worked in the West Computing Building because, at that time, they had to work in seperate unit from white people. The NASA was located in Virginia which was a segregated state. 

4) Mary Jackson feels confident and also quick witted (= avoir du répondant).

5) Mrs Mitchell is contemptuous, scornful because she feels superior. Moreover, she is bossy, authoritative, commanding especially when she asks them to finish a task. Besides, she is distrustful because she wants to check Katherine’s credentials (=qualifications).

6) When she enters the room, Paul, gives her the dustbin because he thinks she is a custodian / cleaning lady.

7) It shows that black and white people have separate bathrooms/ restrooms. Ruth doesn’t care about her, she doesn’t feel any sympathy. She doesn’t even pay any attention to what she asks because she is ruthless (=sans pitié).

8) She doesn’t have all the information she needs to check the figures because Paul darkened some which are classified/censured. Moreover, she is not allowed to attend the Pentagon meetings. There are two coffee pots, one is labelled « colored » which is for her. She is not allowed to author the reports she has written. She might feel lonely. The co-workers underestimate her because they don’t even know her. Nobody is benevolent(=bienveillant) with her.

9) We learn that she is a widow (=veuve) who has a lot of responsabilities and also that she has to work full time.

10) President Kennedy said in a speech « don’t ask what the country can do for you but what you can do for your country. » Everyone had to take part in the space conquest.

11) At that time, a computer was someone able to calculate/ compute.

12) The coffee pot symbolizes the struggle for the acceptance and equality between white and black people. She is ostracized(=ostraciser). Mr Harrison removes the tag and also the toilets sign.

13) The IBM (= International Business Machine) is a huge computer and they can’t enter this machine into the room, they have to break the wall to widen the entrance.


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