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Lettre de retour client en anglais

Étude de cas : Lettre de retour client en anglais. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  19 Octobre 2022  •  Étude de cas  •  876 Mots (4 Pages)  •  416 Vues

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Tracie Potts

765 Amsterdam Plaza

Peterson , CA 68234,

Upper Valley Inc.

Krischer Kylian

2587 Back Street

Peterson , CA 68234

April 8th , 2020

Dear Sir , Madam ,

We were sorry to learn that your goods had defects . We are unable to find the origin of the problem apart from the weather which was unfavorable on that day. We apologise for this inconvenience .

As we explained to you on the phone , these pieces were the last , It is therefore impossible to provide you with identical parts .

We offer you a return to a relay point and a refund of your faulty items . The return costs will be borne by our company . A 15% credit will also be offered to you on your next order , q

We wondered if you could attach photographs of the damage as attachments. in order to be able to verify the authenticity of these.

Sincerely yours ,

Upper Valley Inc

U .V


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