The European Union allocates to the home States 6000 euros per person allowed
Discours : The European Union allocates to the home States 6000 euros per person allowed. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Elly Jeh • 8 Février 2016 • Discours • 372 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 038 Vues
II- The Europe reactions
After the migrant crisis on April, Italy's Premier decided to organised an emergency meeting of European interior ministers to address the problem of migrant deaths. They agreed on 10 measures to cope with the crisis:
-renforce operations in mediterranean
-Have more place in refugee centers
-Relocation and resettlement of asylum seekers
-Establish a new return programme for rapid return of irregular migrants
-triple the budget of migrants Operations
-financial help for Turkey and Italy especially.
If the welcoming of 40,000 people has been confirmed by the Member States, only a majority of countries in the European Union fell from agreement on the hosting of 120,000 additional refugees over 2 years. This new system of quotas has been proposed by Angela Merkel.
Among the refractory countries to this agreement there’s Hungary and Slovakia. To encourage the EU allocates allocates to the welcoming states 6000 euros per person allowed.
In France, faced with this crisis, Manuel Vall announced the release of 613 million euros for 2017 to finance the reception of refugees and asylum seekers.
Several measures has been taken included the creation of reception centers named ‘hotspots’
Also in France migrants receive financial assistance (it’s the grants). France also provides for accommodation.
Furthermore, refugees have access to health insurance services
They may also request authorization to work and their children must attend school between 6 and 16 years old.
- The objective here is to integrate them socially and into the labor market.
However, there are many problems with the influx of migrants, as it is the case in Calais. Migrants are transiting in Calais hoping to reach the UK through the Channel Tunnel, in trucks or through port.
There are between 4,500 and 6,000 people living in unsanitary conditions and insecurity (especially women rape etc.), serious health conditions (scabies outbreak ...) in Europe's largest slum known as "the jungle".
The France nevertheless plans to accommodate 24,000 migrants in 2 years but it will have to face these infrastructure problems.
Germany, in particular the city of Munich, do not handle the arrival of migrants. Given the huge influx of refugees, Germany seems to have reached its maximum welcoming capacity.
CCL: Europe faces a more serious migration crisis of his time, leading some European countries to close their borders causing the collapse of the Schengen Agreement.