Influence of digitalization on the millenials customer exerience in the French Automtive sector
Mémoire : Influence of digitalization on the millenials customer exerience in the French Automtive sector. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar misterfakie • 25 Avril 2024 • Mémoire • 46 278 Mots (186 Pages) • 247 Vues
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Année 2020-2021
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What is the influence of digitalization on the customer experience
of millennials in the French automotive sector?
Livrable n°3
Présenté le 31/05/2020
LE COZ Gautier
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Directeur du mémoire : Mr Makiela Michel
“I certify that this thesis is personal, cites as references all the sources used and
those not contain plagiarism.”
“I certify that my thesis is not confidential and I authorize its online publication
by ICN Business School for pedagogical purposes, with reserved access to the
ICN Community.”
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Table of contents
Introduction 6
Part 1: Literature Review 8
I) The customer experience in the automotive sector 8
1) Definition of customer experience concept 8
2) An automotive customer experience service oriented 10
II) Millennials, new needs, and another expectation of the automotive customer experience
1) Who are the millennials 13
2) Millennials, new consumer behaviors 14
3) Millennials, what relation to the automotive experience? 15
III) Digitalization, a major challenge to create a complete customer experience for the millennial’s generation 17
1) What is digitalization? 17
2) Digitalization creates new customers touchpoints. 18
A) Distributors digitalization 19
B) From multi to omnichannel for hyper-informed millennials consumers 21
3) The limits of digitalization on the customer experience 23
4) Integrating digital with physical to deliver the best possible customer experience 25
Part 2: Methodology 28
I) Study framework 28
1) Reminder of our hypotheses 28
II) Methodology choice 30
1) Qualitative method 30
2) Sample choice 32
Part 3: Data analysis 36
IV) Results and discussion 36
1) Millennials, different generational behaviors influenced by digital technology 36
A) A digital native generation 36
B) A more demanding generation 38
2) Digital technology amplifies the automotive experience 39
A) The automobile is becoming connected 39
a) Digital is enabling the use of automobile as a service 39
b) A connected use of the car 40
B) Richer purchasing journeys 41
3) The major role of the digitalization in hyper information and decision making. 43
A) The search for information 43
a) Tools used 44
b) The information looked for 45
c) A mistrust in the seller/constructor information 45
d) The need to find multiple sources to verify and complete information 46
B) The impact of digital on the purchase choice 47
4) The importance of the physical experience 47
A) Going to the store is more than a necessity. 47
B) The impact of online research on the physical experience 47
a) An increased sef-confidence 48
b) A modified relationship with the salesperson 48
1) A need to verify information 48
2) The salesperson expert opinion remains considered 48
3) Going straight to the point 48
5) Digital tools in the physical world, creating value but not impacting the final decision 48
A) Used by salespeople 48
B) Self-service digital tools 48
C) Digitalized showrooms, a starting point but not an ending point 48
6) The 100% digital experience, an incomplete experience 48
A) Advantages and limits of a 100% digital experience 48
B) A generation not yet ready to go 100% digital 49
a. The car, a too important purchase to be lived only online 49
b. The emotional barriers to car buying 49
Part 4 : Conclusion 50
V) Limitations and future research 50
VI) Implication for the pratical field 50
VII) Conclusion 50
References 51
Appendix 55
I) Interview Guide 55
II) Transcripts of the conducted Interviews 60
Interview 1 60
Interview 2 67
Interview 3 74
Interview 4 83
Interview 5 90
Interview 6 96
Interview 7 104
Interview 8 112
Interview 9 120
Interview 10 128
The world we live in is increasingly becoming more and more digitalized. It is an understatement to think that this is simply a passing trend. The consideration of this phenomenon as a real evolution, or even revolution, is, moreover, more appropriate. As a result, it is normal to see that the world of sales and marketing is inspired by it and is following this movement in order to improve the customer experience but also to adapt to new customer behaviors and not fall into oblivion. Today, physical or digital... digital or physical... one is impossible without the other, and customers themselves prefer to live a shopping experience when a retailer has several sales channels. The digitalization of the point of sale seems to be today at the heart of the preoccupations of the stores. It would seem that faced with the Internet's immense power, physical stores have decided to counter-attack using digital devices that would allow them to fight with "equal weapons" with the giants of online commerce. And for this, stores can rely on innovations, the most important of which, the one that revolutionized usage, came in 2007 with Apple's launch of the first iPhone. The arrival of smartphones has provided customers with an extraordinary tool to compare prices, get information and benefit at any time from an inexhaustible source of information that can be consulted at will.