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The Yellow Wallpaper - Blog

Compte rendu : The Yellow Wallpaper - Blog. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  12 Mars 2020  •  Compte rendu  •  639 Mots (3 Pages)  •  618 Vues

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                        Does my  wife have some kind of mental illness?                         

What should I do? What should I do?

I am so lost! I don‘t know what to do with my wife!

Oh! I am so sorry for starting this post in such an exalted way. It‘s just that... that I am seriously concerned about my wife.

You might be asking why…

First of all, let me introduce myself.

I am the author of this blog. My name is John and I am a doctor. I am married ( if you didn’t notice ), I have become a daddy some months ago… and my wife just went crazy.

No, I think it all started a little after we had our baby. Or maybe not. I mean she has always been fascinated by things that are not from “this world”. That is one of the reason why I took her to this mansion. She seemed to be a little stressed after becoming a mum so I thought she would be fascinated by doing something she likes: imagining about things that doesn’t exist.

Yes, she was only a little stressed. I noticed it. Psychology isn‘t my field, so I searched on Internet to find more about it and I saw that it is a completely normal condition after being pregnant. I tried some of the solutions they proposed. First, I took her to a calm place she would appreciate. The site said that it wouldn’t be good for her to look after our baby 24/7 in the beginning. As my work doesn’t allow me to be a present husband and, now father, I hired a full-time babysitter and even asked my sister Jane to come over and do company to my wife.

The site said that all the rest would be welcome, so I made sure she wouldn’t do nothing unnecessary. The only thing she had to do was wake up, walk in the garden to take some fresh air and come inside to rest as much as she needs.

A few days passed by, and her skin looked much brighter to me. Even if she kept talking about seeing people in the garden when there is nobody and not liking the wallpaper of her room, she was getting better, I could see it. Sometimes, she would ask me to let her write. Before she was pregnant, she used to be a writer. Not an well-known writer, just a writer. At that time, I saw how she would get stressed while writing, she was always afraid that the editors would not like what she had written. And now, stress for such a minimal thing is unnecessary.

I don‘t know what happened. If someone explains it to I would still not understanding it. It simply doesn’t make sense.

One day, my sister Jane waited for me until very late in the night; she claimed to have something serious to tell me. I didn’t want to listen to her at first because, well, you know, women always overdo things. But then she said: “ Your wife is a weirdo. She cannot be mentally well to do what she has been doing!“

I first wanted to tell her to get out of my house; how could she say such an absurdity about my wife! I was about to yell at her when she put her phone right in front of my nose: there were photos of my wife creeping over all the house and in garden, and even against her room’s wall. There were also photos of her ripping off the yellow wallpaper, the one she said she didn’t like but… she was smiling while doing it.


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