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John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Cours : John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  2 Octobre 2022  •  Cours  •  628 Mots (3 Pages)  •  410 Vues

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John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States of America.

He was born on may 29th (twenty nine) 1917 (nineteen seventeen), in Brooklyn, in Massachusetts.

He is the son of Joseph Patrick Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, he had 9 brothers and sisters.

Despite of his back problems, he was finally engaged at the second world war in the Pacific ocean thanks to his father, who was a senator. He was rewarded because of an heroic act, when he saved his crew. After the war, he went to a political career, to become a represent and senator of Massachusetts. He was the youngest president of the USA at the age of 43 (forty-three) years old, in the sixties election.

He is famous for his negotiation in the Cold War with the Cuban missile crisis that opposed the United States and the USSR, avoiding a nuclear war as well as his opposition to the construction of the Berlin Wall.

He also launched the Apollo program to conquer space. He is mainly known for his policy on gender equality, and his anti-racism party in which he wants to establish rights for African-American people.

He was married to Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, with whom he had 4 children, two of them died at birth. However, John Kennedy is known to be a man with numerous relationships outside marriage as for example with Marilyn Monroe, or Judith Campbell.

He had big health problems that were not revealed to the public, for example he had to walk with crutches or rest in his famous rocking chair, because of his back problems.

Nevertheless, John Fitzgerald Kennedy is known first of all for his assassination. During his re-election campaign, on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas, he was killed by gunfire. There are many theories about who killed him. The CIA is suspected but also the mafia. Next year, it will be 50 (fifty) years since the president was killed, the archives will be opened to

the public, so we will know who murdered John Kennedy in 2023 (twenty twenty three)

grâce à sa maitrise par rapport la guerre froide avec la gestion de de la crise des missiles de cuba qui opposer les Etats Unis et l'URSS, évitant alors une guerre nucléaire, ou bien encore le débarquement de la baie de Cochons de nouveau à Cuba qui fur soldé par l'échec de cette invasion visant à changer le gouvernement qui était alors en place et qui était défavorable aux usa et son opposition à la construction du mur de Berlin. Il lance aussi le programme spatiale Apollo dans la course de la conquête de l'espace. Il est principalement connu pour sa politique sur l'égalité des sexes, et sur son parti anti-racisme dans lequelle il souhaite établir des droits pour les personnes afro-américaines. Il est marié à Jacqueline Lee Bouvier avec qui il aura 4 enfants dont deux bébés morts à la naissance. Cependant, John Kennedy est connu pour être un homme avec de nombreuse relations hors mariage comme par exemple avec Marilyn Monroe, ou  Judith Campbell. Il avait de gros psanté roblèmes de qui n'était pas dévoilé au public, il devait par exemple marcher avec des béquilles ou se reposer dans son célèbre fauteuil à bascule, en raison de ses problèmes de dos.Malgré tout John Fitzgerald Kennedy est connu pour son assassinat. Lors de sa campagne pour sa réélection, le  22 novembre 1963 à Dallas au Texas, il est tué par des coups de feu. Il existe de nombreuses théories sur son ou ses meurtriers. La CIA est soupçonné mais également la mafia. L'année prochaine, cela fera 50ans que le président a été tué, les archives seront alors ouvertes au public, nous serons donc qui a tué John Kennedy en 2023.


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