Anglais fiche bac oral
Fiche : Anglais fiche bac oral. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar chantalhoho • 20 Octobre 2015 • Fiche • 336 Mots (2 Pages) • 2 032 Vues
Notion of progress:
INTRO : I'm going to talking about the notion of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of progress : It can be an advance or a development and especially a progressive of human-kind.
In order to illustrate this notion, i have chosen 4 documents :-Movie « Pirate Radio »
-Report about Mary Quant
-Cover of Time Mag « London »
-Movie « Made in Dagenham »
But who helped to the progress of human-kind during 60's ?
In order to answer this problematic, we will see women revolution and young people revolution.
Women Revolution
Women rights and equality between men and women have been improved.
Rita O'Grady thought that the difference between men's and women's wages → Unfair
She decided to go out into the street to scream her desaprobation
She is very brave because in the 60's women were just supposed to be good wives, have babies and cook.
Mary Quant broke dress code (New design : Mini skirts …)
It was a provocation against the traditional long skirt
She set a new trend for women but also gave them more freedom and power (look boyish, smoked, short hair, pants as men)
Young people Revolution
Young people revolution is illustrated by the cover of Time's Magasine
Left side → young people high in drugs and alcohol having fun at a party
Against it, there is the establishment (royal family, old people and many cars and cars industry that illustrate the famous english)
New music style « Rock N' Roll »
Airwaves owned by the BBC (only children's programs and classical music
The thought that it was music of evil and Rock was considerate as illegal.
But some DJ's took the power and braved the law
They had the idea to broadcast music on a ship to escape from the police and to diffuse their songs in liberty
CCL : 60's were marked by many changes, mentalities and laws have improved, thank to some « renegades ».