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BIMx Engine

Cours : BIMx Engine. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  14 Janvier 2017  •  Cours  •  477 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 155 Vues

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BIMx Engine

(c) Graphisoft SE

* Warning: bxScreen::Run(): When you supply your own window manager, you shouldn't use this method!

Initializing graphics with external GL context

Device information:


GL_VERSION: 4.0.0 - Build

GL_RENDERER: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000

Max vertex count: 1048576

Max index count: 1048576

Max texture size: 16384

Creating texture 'bxMap::white' (device)

Creating material 'bxMap::simplecolor' (device)

Creating mesh 'bxMap::bgmesh' (device)

Creating effect 'BXWorld::shadowed' (device)

Creating effect 'BXWorld::samplegi' (device)

Creating effect 'BXWorld::simpleshading' (device)

Creating effect 'BXWorld::hidden' (device)

Creating effect 'BXWorld::headlight' (device)

Creating effect 'BXWorld::metal' (device)

Creating shader 'samplegi.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'samplegi.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'metal_single.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'metal_single.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'headlight_single.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'headlight_single.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'simpleshading.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'simpleshading.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'cel_single.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'cel_single.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'gouraud_single_pcf.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'gouraud_single_pcf.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'gi_single_pcf.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'gi_single_pcf.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'gi_bw_single_pcf.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'gi_bw_single_pcf.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'headlight_single_pcf.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'headlight_single_pcf.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'metal_single_pcf.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'metal_single_pcf.psg' (device)

Creating texture 'white' (device)

Creating mesh 'clipmesh' (device)

Creating material 'simplemat' (device)

Creating effect 'bxSSAO::ssao' (device)

Creating shader 'empty.vsg' (device)

Creating shader 'ssao.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'bilateralblur.psg' (device)

Creating texture 'bxSSAO::Scene' (device)

Creating texture 'bxSSAO::blur' (device)

Creating texture 'bxSSAO::SSAO' (device)

Creating texture 'bxSSAO::random' (device)

Creating effect 'bxSSAOCombiner::combiner' (device)

Creating pointer 'empty.vsg'

Creating shader 'ssaocombine.psg' (device)

Creating shader 'ssaocombine_depth.psg' (device)

Creating mesh 'sky' (device)

Creating mesh 'gradsky' (device)

Creating texture 'bxPCFShadow::shadow' (device)

Creating texture 'ZN.tga' (device)

Creating texture 'XP.tga' (device)

Creating texture 'ZP.tga' (device)

Creating texture 'XN.tga' (device)

Creating texture 'YP.tga' (device)

Creating texture 'YN.tga' (device)

* SYSTEM: Mouse entered

Application changed to windowed mode.

* SYSTEM: Mouse left

Application changed to fullscreen mode.

BIMx Engine

(c) Graphisoft SE

Releasing previous data...

Loading from 'C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\ArchiCAD 17\Add-Ons\BIMx\curl.exe'

* Warning: BIMxWorld::LoadFromBIMx(): No metadata in file!

* Error: Missing Strings.bin!

* Error: BIMxWorld::LoadFromBIMx(): Could not open 'Export.bin'!

* Error: zrEngine_LoadU(): Could not load model (bimx file)!

* SYSTEM: Mouse entered

Application changed to windowed mode.

* SYSTEM: Mouse left

* SYSTEM: Mouse entered

* SYSTEM: Mouse left

Application changed to fullscreen mode.

BIMx Engine

(c) Graphisoft SE

Releasing previous data...

Loading from 'C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\ArchiCAD 17\Add-Ons\BIMx\tiler.exe'

* Warning: BIMxWorld::LoadFromBIMx(): No metadata in file!

* Error: Missing Strings.bin!

* Error: BIMxWorld::LoadFromBIMx(): Could not open 'Export.bin'!

* Error: zrEngine_LoadU(): Could not load model (bimx file)!

* SYSTEM: Mouse entered



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