In your life, how have you demonstrated, inside and/or outside the classroom, a passion for science, technology, engineering or mathematics?
Mémoire : In your life, how have you demonstrated, inside and/or outside the classroom, a passion for science, technology, engineering or mathematics?. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar kanimerha • 28 Octobre 2017 • Mémoire • 346 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 247 Vues
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In your life, how have you demonstrated, inside and/or outside the classroom, a passion for science, technology, engineering or mathematics?
When a human is born, they wonder the meaning of everything around them. As they grow, they start to see, touch, feel, smell and hear the mysterious world in which they are living . Unlike animals, humans evolved in a way where they start to think, question, doubt; and find reason in their environments from an early age, noticing everything from the least important to the most significant phenomena in life.
::: ajoute ici les choses sur ton enfance et ton curiosite :::
For most of my late childhood, I was taught mathematics, science, and physics in a robotic way, where there was no room or appreciation for creativity and curiosity. I, and most of my classmates, learned to hate these subjects. I found them dull; I was not interested in memorizing facts and doing exercises. ::: ajoute sur tes interesses quand tu etais petite:::
I was fortunate enough, however, to switch school systems in middle school. This was an important moment in my life. My teachers began to show me that math and science could answer our questions about the world, begin discussions, and appreciate innovation and creativity just as much as history or literature. I started to slowly gain interest in those subjects again, finding the curiosity I had not known since I was a child; I wanted to know the reasons behind everything.
Once, I had a project to build a flashlight that works with solar energy in my technology class. I was excited, fascinated and happy to build something useful and at the same time harmless for the earth. I was so proud that continued building things such as a small remote controlled car. ::: ajoute comment tes emotions ont change:::