Exemple de sketch pour un meeting en anglais
TD : Exemple de sketch pour un meeting en anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Nathan646e • 22 Octobre 2023 • TD • 827 Mots (4 Pages) • 246 Vues
Manon : Good morning everyone ! Let’s wait a few minutes so everyone can join. Let’s get started.
Our goal today is to discuss the possibility of saving money.
This is our list of topics today : the first item is the new technologie to avoid travel, the second items is the expensive air travel and the last items is the hotel’s night. So, we begin with the new technologies. Did everyone have a copy of the agenda ?
Lucie : Yes
Hugo : Yes
Manon : All right ! Hugo, as a marketing director, what are your suggestions about the fist items ?
Hugo : I think that new technologies can lead us to meet them in a different way, and video conferencing looks really fine. It would allow us to save some money and time, because we could meet them wherever we are.
Manon : Thank you for your feedback, I agree with you cause I think significant savings could be made by using email and videoconferencing to talk with customers, especially for routine visits by sales staff to existing customers.
Lucie: I don't really agree, we know that our customers are very busy people and if we don't visit them, they won't take the time to look at our products. Moreover, face to face meetings are essential to meet new customers.
We are in a very competitive sector, our competitors visits our customers regularly, we have to offer the same service
Hugo : I also thought that sales staff should state the objectives of each visit before they make them, so managers can decide whether the visit is worth the cost or if it is not necessary.
Manon : Thank you Marketing director. It’s a great idea, we will evaluate for each visit if it is really necessary.
We can move on to the next item,air travel.
Personally, I think the sales staff should use economy class and low-cost airlines where possible. This could reduce traveling costs by up to 50%.
Lucie: It is difficult to get high quality sales staff who know the very specialized products which you sell and it is important to treat them well, for example by allowing them to fly business class. Moreover, we spend a lot of time traveling, at least 150 days a year, and it is important to do so in confort. Hugo, what do you think about that ?
Hugo : I don’t have more information at the moment but, at the next meeting, I can contact some airlines to have more details and see what is possible for us. I thought we should continue to offer the best service to our salesman. On the other hand, we do many trips per year and i'm quite sure that airlines companies will be happy to give us a discount.
Lucie: It's an excellent idea !!
Manon : Is there any other comment on this ?
Lucie: no, we can move on to the next item.
Manon : Perfect. Now I would like to talk about the hotel's