Mythes et heros terminale es
Fiche : Mythes et heros terminale es. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar celiab202 • 28 Mai 2019 • Fiche • 328 Mots (2 Pages) • 700 Vues
First of all, I’m going to define this notion. A hero is a person admired for his actions or for the values which he defends as justice or freedom.
He is still admired for his mental or physical strength. Moreover a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief, a tradition or a false notion. A myth can be transmitted from generation to generation.
What is the role of myths and heroes in our society?
Therefor firstly we can study heroes who become myths for the society; secondly we can recall moderns and everyday heroes.
I- Heroes become myths for society
To begin, during the year we have studied the story of Gandhi. Gandhi was born in India in 1869. His life was based on fasting, prayer and meditation. During his life he went to London to study the law and then moved to South Africa where he first noticed how the Indians were abused under apartheid. He promoted the non-violence. When he returned to India, he started fighting for Indian independence from Britain, insisting on non-violence as well as non-cooperation with the ruling country. After India was granted its independence in 1947, Gandhi was assassinated in 1948 by an extremist from his own party. So his image of an ordinary man doing extraordinary things is what made him an icon and a myth.
Also the last year we have studied the story of “Captain Sully”. Sully Sullenberg is an American retired airline captain. Today this man is considered as a hero for the society. On 2009, he landed the plane in the Hudson River after both engines were disabled by a bird strike and all 155 people aboard survived.
Sully is considered as a hero because he showed much courage.
To conclude, myths and heroes are very important for a society because some heroes can be examples for individuals who also want to do well. However, is there a society without heroes?