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Oral anglais mythes et héros: are sports people real heroes?

Fiche : Oral anglais mythes et héros: are sports people real heroes?. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  26 Février 2017  •  Fiche  •  653 Mots (3 Pages)  •  4 892 Vues

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Intro : I m going to talk about the notion of myth and heroes.To beginning I gonna give a definition of the notion : a myth represent somebody o something surrounded by a amazing estheem by people award qualities and values to hit and respect them. Secondly a hero is somebody famous thanks to fit and qualities and it can be somoeone who is respect for their courage or achievements o can be a main character a story

so here the question I ask is are sport people can be true heroes ?in a first part we gonna see the true hero who are role models and in a second part we gonna see sports peoples who aren t heroes.

The sport can give positive values bc sports people can be role models and can create an harmony we can see that with the olympics games where can bring people together from all backgrounds and teach vital skill as Long as you above by the rules. sports peoples can be considerate as important because we can identify to us and develop a positive spirit bc gives their motivation as aim of life and for their achievements. for ex in the abc reporte American strong they speak about Charlotte brown she is a champion she practicing a challenging activity and she has the best sport values in the hight school and one of the best in the usa she is an example a role mode and she can be observed thanks to letters that she received from all over the world. she is influencing she s a role model for many young peoples who have disabilities or problems. She thinks her disabilities made her stronger she show the world that you can come over obstacles she is an ex of determination, of courage so she can be consider as hero thanks to paralympics where she can play sport ; the olympics ideals are about athletes who hates drugs, athletes who takes part in tv show to teach fair-play and health and athletes during olympics it s a worldwide event where people from diff country can meet and compete in a friendly way so for these example sports peoples can be consider as heroes bc they are consider as role model thanks to their values

but awavers there are bad things who mades olympics game as only a buisness for bring money. Good ideas (as FairPlay,) are replace by drugs money and there are athletes who can take anythings because there are new drugs to fail to detect the olympics can be consider as a political platform because there are sponsors everywhere.Also, there isn't egal developpement between country. Because rich country have benefits : they can train us better. here is only rich countries who ...; so sports people who are consider as hero must have particularities like be rich so there are desigualities for be consider has hero . Often peoples thinks thats because they win thats they are hero and forget the performance.

here we can say the ex of lance Armstrong bc he wanted to win and be the best thats why he used drugs and his supporters who are peoples who considerate him as an ex a hero


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