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Road 66

TD : Road 66. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  4 Avril 2017  •  TD  •  436 Mots (2 Pages)  •  959 Vues

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BOUCHENTOUF                                                                                                               TL




The Road 66 is mythical because it has become the symbol of an entire generation of Americans who love freedom and travel. She was indeed the icon of the new America, united and adventurous. Built to link the East to the West. Route 66 has encouraged thousands of Americans to take the road to explore their country, and it has become a legend thanks to the many artists who celebrate it.

Today, the road is only frequented for the pleasure of discovering these succulent bubbles of nostalgia. The fascination of the Americans for the road 66 is seen through books, songs and films about it. The East/West thematic is still firmly established in the American art of the Xxth century with a clear opposition between, in the East, an urban and cultural civilization organized around New York City and, in the West, a mythical territory of vast virgin spaces. Like I said before, today, it boils down to ruins, ghost panels of formerly popular establishments, abandoned motels, disused petrol stations, become the icons of a Route which now lives only in the hearts of « passionnates Nostalgics »

Finally, Road 66 is a legend. It is registered in the historical heritage, and in the 1990s, many associations are fighting to resurrect it. In 1995, some signs appeared here and there. Little by little, tourism awakens. Some shops typically American rekindle their signs. The 66 is not always in good condition, but no matter, travelers come. They want to meet this other America, deep and timeless.

The longest and most intact sections of this old road are in the western part of the state of Arizona and southeast of California. The part between Flagstaff in Arizona and Los Angeles is the most attractive and easy to find. Along this part are the largest sections of the original road with other attractions in the area. It is for this all reasons why Road 66 is so dear for Americans.


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