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The English Game

Résumé : The English Game. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

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The English Game

                Created by the well-known Julian Fellowes, this Netflix series is a British historical sports drama. Through six episodes, we learn more about the origins of modern association football in England. Indeed, in the 1870s, this sport was for the wealthy but some working-class players changed it forever.

For the 1879 FA Cup quarter-finals, the Old Etonians, an upper-class team, take on Darwen FC, a working-class team. Secretly, the Darwen FC owner pays two very good Scottish players, Fergie and Jimmy, to win this cup – whereas this is an amateur competition. Thanks to them, they manage to draw the match. The Old Etonians players, as FA Board members, decide to replay the game later. But, due to financial issues, the working class has to forfeit the match.

The workers see their salaries reduced due to the order of the Cotton Guild. In reply, they go on strike and rebel. One of them is saved from the jail, by Arhtur, a player of the Old Etonians who is also a member of this guild.

In the third episode, Fergie accepts an offer from Blackburn FC. Indeed, if he plays for them, he will be more paid. But, he hides it from everyone who learns it thanks to the press.

Fergie asks Jimmy to join him at Blackburn FC. But, his friend refuses : Darwen has become his family. After difficult begins with his new team, Fergie is finally joined by his friend. They play against their former club and during the match, Jimmy is injured which threatens his life.

Whereas Jimmy learns he will not play football anymore, the two Scottish players make up with their former teammates. On the other hand, the FA Board meets without Arthur : they discuss expelling Darwen and Blackburn from the cup.

In the last episode, the FA Board expells Blackburn, which makes Arthur furious. To fight against this decision, the working class teams notify that they would create their own league. In that case, the upper-class clubs will be led to disappear. Finally, Blackburn is authorized to play the final that they win against the Old Estonians. During this match, Jimmy and Arthur show two very fair play behaviors.

                This series shows some adaptations of the reality : Blackburn didn’t win, this year, the final against the Old Estonians. Fergie was not a worker and Jimmy was not injured. The two Scots were even not friends. Even if, there are adaptations, we can understand easily the main objective of this series: learn more about football professionalization. That was not simple as shown to us by the reaction of the upper class. They refuse to see football as a way to live: but, they are on a glass ceiling as they are annuitants. Lastly, this professionalization is a point of no return for the most followed sport : since it, no more amateur clubs have won the FA Cup. So, this is very interesting and instructive to learn more about it even more so when today, that seems normal to buy a player more than £ 100 million. Finally, this is captivating to watch how Jimmy, Fergie and Arthur are the pioneers of modern football.


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