Reality shows are great television
Dissertation : Reality shows are great television. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Elinep • 3 Septembre 2020 • Dissertation • 311 Mots (2 Pages) • 505 Vues
English :
1 Do you personally consider that reality shows are great television?
I personally consider that reality shows can be great TV shows.First, to entertain no matter the age. Indeed some reality shows are all public therefore without any sex scene, violence and vulgar words. These are often adventure-based reality shows like Koh Lanta. It entertains the young and the old people with the tests and awards offered to candidates. Secondly, reality shows are excellent television programs because candidates can be a source of inspiration thanks to their courage, their determination. These reality shows, show people who excel to win or succeed! Finally these shows can help the candidates to start their careers as the reality show Star Academy that initiated the career of Grégory le Marchal. Nevertheless, reality shows can also be a bad thing. For example, if the goal is to mock the participants. Like in Dance with celebrities,when a participant was the subject of many jokes, especially on his clumsiness. Then reality shows are not excellent television programs if the goal in watching them is to reassure oneself, on one’s abilities. The angels of reality TV do not seem very intelligent so it can be reassuring for someone’s self-perception or even make him feel superior to the participants. Finally, they are not good programs because they do not make people think and their content do not have the aim to propose an exceptional quality and deepness. In a reality show a woman wanted to prove that there is not just one moon because “it is statistically impossible!” according to her.
To conclude reality shows are, for me,are not excellent television programs if you want to cultivate yourself or if you just watch it to mock the participants. On another hand, can be a good way to entertain everyone, as well as to initiate professional careers.