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Animal Farm Chapter 1-10

Résumé : Animal Farm Chapter 1-10. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  10 Avril 2020  •  Résumé  •  448 Mots (2 Pages)  •  612 Vues

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o Old Major’s dream Communist Manifesto

o Old Major Karl Marx

o Boxer & Clover Hard Working case

o Benjamin Wise/doubts

o Cat Lazy

o Man / Mr Jones Tsars

o Revolution

o Comrades friends in Russian

o Farm Russia

o England World

Animals represent the workers


o Old Major

o Napoleon Stalin

o Snowball Lenin- Trotsky

o Squealer Communication Propaganda

o Animalism Communism

o Mollie (horses) Sugar & Ribbons = luxury= bourgeoisie

o Sugar candy mountain heaven

o Moses Religion/church

o Revolution Kind of simply happened…

o Rules

o Pigs / read & write Education

o Seven Commandments of Animalism:

1- 2 legs enemy

2- 4 legs or wings friend

3- No animal shall wear clothes

4- Sleep in a bed

5- Drink alcohol

6- Kill any other animal

7- All animals are equals

Guides to avoid money abuse

- Milk…?


o Great farm work Happy to share

o Boxer amazing Great workers and true inspiration

o Sunday meetings Political democracy

o New flag Represents the animals

o Napoleon vs Snowball Fighting for power

o Napoleon takes young dogs Secret plan…

o Pigs taking more food Abuse?


o Hoping for other revolutions What Trotsky wanted

o Reactions elsewhere (other farms) Other Countries... wait to see

o Battle of the Cowshed Attempts to gain, failed


o Mollie gone Bourgeoisie unhappy

o Pigs more power (2) True leader? / power to all vs power to one

o Windmill Industrialisation

o Napoleon’s coup Dogs have grown/Snowball runs

o Meetings Waste of time, get your order

o Squealer Can explain

o Boxer’s new motto Napoleon is always right


o Motivation High, far is ours

o Forcing animals to work (Sundays) Work? ½ rations...?

o Produce less, but more food...? Less production, but more food

o Whymper Trade

o Move into house Squealer can explain

o Sleep in Squealer can explain

o Fear argument Mr Jones...!!!

o Windmill Destroyed rebuild



o Frozen potatoes Trick Whymper, reputation

o Hens on strike Fight for rights, don’t care

o Where is Snowball?

 Rumors, on other farms: Frederick, Pilkington

 Agent of Jones, reinforces status-quo

 Squealer does rumors

o Animal sacrifice

 Few animals for non-sense reasons

 Clover sad, sings

 Song abolished

o Napoleon god-like

o Timber for sale- Frederick or Pilkington? 1st big trade, no experience

o Pilkington warns about Frederick

Mean to own


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