Macbeth character analysis
Analyse sectorielle : Macbeth character analysis. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar mimi27vert • 11 Juin 2019 • Analyse sectorielle • 365 Mots (2 Pages) • 694 Vues
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The Three Witches: The witches are one of the most important characters throughout the whole play. To start off, they bring that aspect of evil, witchcraft and supernatural the play. Since they are in the first scene of the whole play, they really set the tone and the mood which is very dark and doomful. Also, the witches introduce the prophecies into the plot. Without the prophecies, there probably would not be any story line and Macbeth would be a flat character. Also, since the witches are mostly to blame for Macbeth’s downfall, the story’s plot would probably very different without them. As we saw in the play, the prophecies really fuel Macbeth’s ambition. Without them, Macbeth probably would not have been ruled by his ambition, and maybe would not of killed Duncan, which might of also resulted in him not getting killed. The witches pretty much have power over him and sentence him to fail. With their prophecies, they put ideas in his head. For example, he probably would not have killed Macduff’s family if they had not told him to ‘‘Beware Macduff! Beware the thane of Fife’’. If he didn’t know about the prophecies Macbeth possibly would of lived his life normally.
Macbeth: Macbeth is at the same time the protagonist and the antagonist of the play. He starts off as a loyal and brave man who cares about his friends, and will fight for his king and country. Throughout the play however, Macbeth becomes more and more eager for power and becomes this paranoid murderer. We see him go from a hero loved by many, to a disloyal, evil man. Also, without his essential and violent mistakes, the plot would be completely different. Lastly, without Macbeth the play would not be a tragedy. For it to be a tragedy, the protagonist has to fall from power into intense misery. At the end, Macduff kills Macbeth since he hired murderers to kill his wife and kids. This proves that Macbeth was responsible for his own death. Without him, the play would not be a tragedy since there is no other character who experiences such a downfall.