Robinson Crusoe
Cours : Robinson Crusoe. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Chara crtghy • 1 Novembre 2015 • Cours • 362 Mots (2 Pages) • 877 Vues
Daniel Defoe Biography
Daniel Defoe was an english writer, journalist and pamphleteer. He was also giver several carriers : spy, adventurer, trader, politician, contractor (entrepreneur). Born in 1660 in Stoke Newington (near London), Daniel Foe, by his stage name, was the son of a candle merchant protestant, from Flanders.
Good at trade, he traveled to Spain, France, Italy, Germany. Involved in politics in the Whigs party, Daniel tooks part by his pamphlets to the overthrow of King Jacques II in 1688. With all the power he had, the prepared the Glorious Revolution. He gets the favours of Guillaume d’Orange.
Against the absolutism, he belonged to a new generation which advocated liberalism, mercantilism and individualism. In 1704, he was held (threw in jail) because of his satirical text : The Shortest Way with the Dissenters.
Disappointed by politics, he decided to devote himself almost exclusively to the literature. His first novel, Robinson Crusoe (1719) became quickly a real worldwide success.
Robinson Crusoe summary
From York, Robinson Crusoe is an engish young man, cadet son of a german merchant. Encouraged by his father to study law, to be a lawyer, Robinson wishes at the contrary sailed to the seas. He decided at least to embark on a vessel to London with a friend, despite the disagreement of his family. He finally leaves without his one on board a trading ship in 1651. This trip is a success so, Robinson provides another one, entrusting by the way his first financial benefits to a likeable widow.
En effet, peu de temps après, il entreprend un second voyage, durant lequel son bateau est abordé par des pirates marocains : Robinson est fait esclave. Ce n’est que deux années plus tard qu’il parvient à s’échapper, emmenant avec lui un jeune maure, Xury. Tous deux longent longtemps les côtes africaines. Ils doivent se défendre contre des bêtes sauvages, grâce à quoi ils sont ravitaillés par des tribus locales pacifiques.
qui vécut 28 ans sur une île déserte sur la côte de l'Amérique, près de l'embouchure du grand fleuve Orénoque, suite à un naufrage où tous périrent à l'exception de lui-même, et comment il fut délivré d'une manière tout aussi étrange par des pirates