Etude du texte stratégie de marketing mondial réussie par MC Donald
Fiche : Etude du texte stratégie de marketing mondial réussie par MC Donald. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar 16nana • 27 Janvier 2021 • Fiche • 709 Mots (3 Pages) • 2 504 Vues
- Describe what you see and say if you think it corresponds well to Thailand. React spontaneously
The mascott at the McDonald’s restaurant shows Ronald McDonald standing in front of restaurannt with his hands to joined together in a sign of prayer which is unusual because McDonald’s is an American compagny. However, it is a well know sign of greeting in Thailand. It means respect and gratitude.
- By reading the title, explain what you think about McDonald’s marketing strategy.
We understand that MaDonald Marketing strategie is directied to clients in globalise world
- In the text, find words that mean the same as:
a) growing: increasing d) centered: focus g) encouragement: to support b) engendered: raised e) exposing: h) very great: tremendous c) worries : concerns f) customizes: taiters
- In the text, find words that mean the opposite of :
a) failure: success c) resemblances: changes/ differences
b) refused: accepted d) ignored: understand
- Explain what is meant by “McDonald’s tailors to this culture”
That means McDonald adapts to that culture. The text explains with different examples. In China the ads are adapted to the pollution, in India the choice of sandwiches is based on the Hindu religion, in France the slogan shows that at macdo everyone is accepted.
- Say if these statement are right or wrong. Justify your answers.
- McDonald’s preferred to stick to the Chinese wishes to eat healthy food.
True, ligne 9
- McDonald’s doesn’t care about diversity in countries like India because of their religion.
False, ligne 12
- The LGBTQ community was not considered the same in France and in the US back in 2010.
True, ligne 17
In France, McDonald’s proved to be open-minded.
True, ligne 14 « Venez comme vous êtes »
- In your own words explain what McDonald’s strength is.
For me, the strength of McDonald's is its adaptation. For each country, the services offered are adapted
Explain why McDonald’s restaurants work so well all over the world and what contributes to its strength and success.
Useful phrases:
- to enhance: mettre en avant
- to launch a campaign: lancer une campagne
- to tailor to clients: s’adapter aux clients