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Présentation de la CEDEAO (ECOWAS)

Fiche : Présentation de la CEDEAO (ECOWAS). Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  7 Décembre 2018  •  Fiche  •  666 Mots (3 Pages)  •  726 Vues

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THE ECOWASEconomic Community of West African’s States


  • What’s ECOWAS
  • Aims and goals
  • The governance structure
  • The others institutions
  • Members states
  • ECOWAS and EU
  • The Morocco entrance
  • Tourism

What’s ECOWAS?

  • ECOWAS is the Economic Community of West

African’s States

  • Headquarter: Abuja (Nigeria)
  • Chairman: Faure GNASSINGBE (TOGO)
  • Actual members:

Benin, Bissau Guinea, Burkina Faso, Capo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo

What’s ECOWAS?

•        Established on May 28 1975 via the treaty of Lagos by 15 members

•        In 1976, Cape Verde, one of the two Lusophone countries in the region joined ECOWAS

•        In 2000, the Mauritania withdrew the Communitity

•        In 2017, the Kingdom of Morocco request to join the Community

Aims and goals

The aims of the Community are:

•        to promote cooperation and integration, leading to the establishment of an economic union in West Africa in order to raise the living standards of its peoples,

•        and to maintain and enhance economic stability, foster relations among Member States and contribute to the progress and development of the African Continent.

Aims and goals

  • to achieve collective self-sufficiency for its member states by creating a single large trading bloc by building a full economic and trading union.

  • ECOWAS also serves as a peacekeeping force in the region

The Governance Structure

ECOWAS Comprises Three arms of governance:

  1. The Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government. He heads the Executive (Commission)

  1. Community Court of Justice
  1. Community Parliament

The others Institutions

  • ECOWAS Bank of Investment and Development (EBID)
  • The West-African Health Organizations (WAHO)
  • The Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in West-Africa (GI-ABA)

The others Institutions



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Members states

Members states

Two sub-regional blocs:

  • The West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) is an organization of 8, mainly French- speaking, states within the ECOWAS which share a customs union and currency union.

Members states

  • Two sub-regional blocs:

  • The West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ), established in 2000, comprises six mainly English-speaking countries within ECOWAS which plan to work towards adopting their own common currency, the eco.

Members states

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ECOWAS only (Cape Verde)


  • West Africa is the EU's largest trading partner in Sub-Saharan Africa. The EU is West Africa's biggest trading partner, ahead of India, China and the US: the EU accounts for 24.5% of West Africa's exports and 28.5% of West Africa's imports.).


EU – ECOWAS trade amounts to € 45.5 billion

In terms of sectors,

  • ECOWAS's exports to the EU consist mainly of fuels (51.9%) and food products (33.8%).
  • West Africa's imports from the EU consist of fuels (28.6%), food products (12.0%), machinery (26.7%), and chemicals and pharmaceutical products (12.5%)

The Morocco entrance

  • GDP        move        from        623.5        billions        to        USD        728.5 billions
  • Population: from 349 millions to 382,9 millions
  • Languages: English – French – Português – Arab

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  • The        Community        becomes        the        17th        global economic power

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ECOWAS Tourism

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