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Writing an abstract

Étude de cas : Writing an abstract. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  16 Mai 2021  •  Étude de cas  •  564 Mots (3 Pages)  •  627 Vues

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Writing an abstract – S8[pic 1]

Final written assignment

Please fill your name, specialty and title of your text, and then type your text DOUBLE SPACED in the space provided. Please save this document as A PDF with YOUR NAME in the filename and upload it to the assignments section of your group on Chamilo. You can delete these instructions from your final document.

Name : Nawel Bentarcha                                                          Specialty: ASI

Title : Beyond the Refrigerator, a Low-Tech food pantry

Version 1

Low-Tech is a useful, accessible and sustainable technology. Food preservation is an economic and ecological issue. Today it is crucial to reduce food waste and to limit energy consumption. Accordingly, the use of a pantry is an efficient solution to preserve vegetables and fruits without energy expenses. The ability to successfully perform food conservation is highly dependent on many parameters such as humidity, moisture, temperature, brightness. The immediate objective of the research project is to measure the influence of the preservation parameters. The student engineering team focused on the characterization of preservation environments using humidity, temperature and light sensors.  This year a prototype of a food pantry is developed. The data collected by the sensors in the environments and the follow-up carried out by an engineer were analyzed to determine the optimal conditions of conservation of a food.  The conservation capacities of the pantry have been optimized. An instruction manual to build a pantry and put fruits and vegetables in the right environment will be made available, to everyone, to facilitate the change of consumption habits.  In the future an  advanced food pantry will drastically reduce the energy consumption of a household because a smaller refrigerator will be sufficient to preserve dairy products and meat. The research project will result in the calculation of the ecological and economic benefits of using a food pantry.  

Peer review - abstract

You are asked to review one of your peers’ abstracts. Use the following questions to help you comment on the writing you are reviewing. Your feedback will be useful to revise the abstract and write the final version. Be as precise and constructive as possible, offering positive suggestions and comments.

Reviewer’s name:  …………………………………………………………………………..

1. Does the content of the abstract reflect the title?

2. What is the motivation/the reason for this research/project?

3. Are the key elements of an abstract (objective/issue/problem statement, procedures or methods, results, conclusion and recommendations) included in this writing?

4. Does the introduction/background provide relevant information?

5. Are the procedures or methods adequately described?

6. Are the results explained clearly and logically?

7. Are the author’s conclusions and recommendations supported by the results?

8. Is the abstract well written, grammatically correct? Give examples if necessary.

9. Give your general feedback on the abstract.

Final version ( to be graded)

Please indicate the name of the student’s you have peer-reviewed here.



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