Dissertation : Beauty. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Kenza Alaoui Mrani • 5 Juillet 2019 • Dissertation • 1 024 Mots (5 Pages) • 684 Vues
Beauty, a simple word used by millions of people a day. But has anyone taken a moment, stopped, and actually thought of the authentic meaning of what beauty truly is? What defines beauty? Is it skin color, weight, freckles on ones face? Or is it something deeper than that, something that may not involve physical aspects but rather being able to embrace ones uniqueness. Today in our society, the media is constantly telling young adults exactly how they should look in order to be beautiful.
Beauty, it isn't what you see when you look at a mirror. It isn't what you don't see when you fancy the celebrity teen on the magazine covers. It isn't what the most famous make-up designers tell you to wear.
Beauty is the sense you feel deep underneath all of you whether you're sitting in your room by yourself or in a crowd full of random people. It's the great inside feeling of pride you have in yourself when you've done good and made everyone proud. It's the feeling you get when your little brother or sister is smiling brightly at you for the help you gave them. It's the feeling you get after your mother or father compares you to the both of them and say, "You're so beautiful."
It has been said that the word beauty is the most overused misunderstood poorly defined word in the English language then how something or someone be ugly. Imagine someone calling you the world’s ugliest person will you shake the person off or perhaps you will fight it off .lizzie who was crowned the world’s ugliest person choose to respond differently
After her experiences in life she finally arrived to advise people and say ‘don’t let people define you your future or your life; don’t let society blind or restrict you with their definitions what is beautiful what is not.
I wonder why people go so far to achieve beauty; do they not realise that what inside is far more important. You might have the illusion of looking perfect great and you might have the satisfaction of filling into a smaller shirt but what does say about you, it shows that you are unhappy that you are you and you are struggling.
You may be surprised if I tell you that these pictures are of the same person this woman to look like the image on the right she was subjected to jaw, nose reconstruction, filler injections,collagen,hair removel;silicone implants which is a complicated consuming time process without forgetting the trauma she has to end or over months just to look beautiful. But, in some cases it doesn’t turn out the way people want it to.(video) I will let you with video showing the darker perception of the standards of beauty in the 21st century. We always strive to meet what is considered the standards of beauty however no matter how hard we try we will never meet this standards because is dependent on one person’s perspective at one point of time which mean that it always out of our what’s in our control. There is something in our control and that how much confident we have have as a person how we carry ourselves and How beautiful we are in the outside is just as equivalent as how much confidence we have as persons we need to love ourselves we need to don’t disfigure or paint yourself in the name of beauty because everyone is doing ,so how you know who you are if you look like everyone you love others just because their looks don’t you love them for how they are deep within do you stop loving them if they joined few pounds or developed acne or cut hair or stop putting make up. Beauty is everywhere and inside everyone you may not be able to see beauty in a person but you can definitely feel it. If jamal debouz cares about his illness he wouldn’t be that you think that Steven hockey death would affect that much people if he just give up. Operah winefrey one of the one popular richest woman of the world didn’t let her color skin neither her siza define her what define all these people is their personality ;talent,skills ;how they act towards people ,what they do to help oyhers .they are beautiful in their little own way.they are unique.i will put it this way “not every beautiful person is good but all beautiful persons are good”