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Report on persuasive speech

Discours : Report on persuasive speech. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  10 Octobre 2017  •  Discours  •  579 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 147 Vues

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Subject: Report on persuasive speech

I’ve always been a person that reads a lot of books. In my recent years since I had less time to waste on going to the library and specifically choosing my book after having gone through all the available choices displayed, I started searching for my books on the internet. As patience is not one of my qualities, I was actively seeking a way to get to read the books in the rapidest and cheapest way possible. This is how I started reading books online and finding websites that proposed the books for free. And that’s when all my experience as a reader has changed. I started reading electronic books instead of buying them which was an important event in my life since I am a big reader and I had just transferred from the printed version of the book to its electronic version. Throughout the years, I’ve always found it normal to do this, download books freely on the internet since they were available without having to purchase them. Recently I just realized how unfair without saying illegal this practice was. It leads us not to even consider paying for the real book or even giving money simply because a free version of it is available.

This led me to an important question: Is Amazon and all the other online book shops, the biggest threat for the book market?

This topic concerns my classmates because first, our generation is one that is eager to discover and get used to new technologies(electronic books) and also because since we are students most of us still don’t have their own income or if they do they don’t specially want to spend it on books that they can get in the same exact layout as the free version of it.

Buying an e-book version of a book with Amazon’s Kindle feature or the Apple’s Ipad gives us a first input into the business side of this subject. How is the competition, who is the current market leader? Another business related side of the problem can be developed: How are the free available versions impacting Amazon’s and the book industry in general?

Reading is a passion. Not everyone can sit hours immersed in a random story. Other than the text books or the readings imposed to us at School not many of us take time to read. I want first to ask you who still dedicates time to read as a leisure not school readings? Which format do you prefer, the printed version of the book or the electronic version? Whether it is the printed version or the electronic version, where do you get it? Library, book stores, online websites.. If you use the electronic version, do you buy it or do you first check different websites to try and find a free version first?

To present my speech I will go as follows:

• How did the electronic version


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