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Fonds souverain

Rapports de Stage : Fonds souverain. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires
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s uns , besoins de financement pour les autres .



Principaux fonds[modifier]

* Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (créé en 1976, Émirats arabes unis), gère 875 milliards de dollars[49].

* Government Pension Fund-Global (1990, Norvège), 397 mds $[49]

* Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) (1981, Singapour), 330 mds $[49]

* Reserve Fund for Future Generation (1953, Koweït), 213 milliards $[49]

* China Investment Corporation (2007, Chine), 200 mds $[49]

* Fonds de réserve de Russie et Fonds de bien-être national de Russie (anciennement Fonds de stabilisation, 2004, Russie, 173,2 mds $).

* Temasek Holdings (1974, Singapour), 134 mds $)[50]

* Qatar Investment Authority (2005, Qatar, 60 mds $)[49]

Pays | Abréviation | Fonds | Capitaux $Milliards | Création | Origine des capitaux |

Emirats arabes unis !Émirats arabes unis | ADIA | Abu Dhabi Investment Authority | &0000000000000627.000000627 | 1976 | Hydrocarbures |

Norvege !Norvège | GPF | Government Pension Fund - Global | &0000000000000443.000000443 | 1990 | Hydrocarbures |

Arabie saoudite | SAMA | SAMA Foreign Holdings | &0000000000000415.000000415 | n/a | Hydrocarbures |

Chine | SAFE | SAFE Investment Company | &0000000000000347.100000347,1** | 1997 | Non Matières premières |

Chine | CIC | China Investment Corporation | &0000000000000332.400000332,4 | 2007 | Non Matières premières |

Singapour | GIC | Government of Singapore Investment Corporation | &0000000000000247.500000247,5 | 1981 | Non Matières premières |


Hong Kong | HKMA | Hong Kong Monetary Authority Investment Portfolio | &0000000000000227.600000227,6 | 1993 | Non Matières premières |

Koweït | KIA | Kuwait Investment Authority | &0000000000000202.800000202,8 | 1953 | Hydrocarbures |

Chine | NSSF | National Social Security Fund | &0000000000000146.500000146,5 | 2000 | Non Matières premières |

Russie | RNWF | Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation | &0000000000000142.500000142,5* | 2008 | Hydrocarbures |

Singapour | TH | Temasek Holdings | &0000000000000133.000000133 | 1974 | Non Matières premières |

Libye | LIA | Libyan Investment Authority | &0000000000000070.00000070 | 2006 | Hydrocarbures |

Qatar | QIA | Qatar Investment Authority | &0000000000000065.00000065 | 2003 | Hydrocarbures |

Australie | AFF | Australian Future Fund | &0000000000000059.10000059,1 | 2004 | Non Matières premières |

Algerie !Algérie | RRF | Fonds de régulation des recettes | &0000000000000054.80000054,8 | 2000 | Hydrocarbures |

Kazakhstan | KNF | Kazakhstan National Fund | &0000000000000038.00000038 | 2000 | Hydrocarbures |

États-Unis | APF | Alaska Permanent Fund | &0000000000000035.50000035,5 | 1976 | Hydrocarbures |

Irlande | NPRF | National Pensions Reserve Fund | &0000000000000033.00000033 | 2001 | Non Matières premières |

Coree du Sud !Corée du Sud | KIC | Korea Investment Corporation | &0000000000000030.30000030,3 | 2005 | Non Matières premières |

Brunei | BIA | Brunei Investment Agency | &0000000000000030.00000030 | 1983 | Hydrocabures |

France | FSI | Fonds stratégique d'investissement | &0000000000000028.60000028,6 | 2008 | Non Matières premières |

Malaisie | KN | Khazanah Nasional | &0000000000000025.00000025 | 1993 | Non Matières premières |

Iran | OSF | Oil Stabilisation Fund | &0000000000000023.00000023 | 1999 | Hydrocabures |

Chili | SESF | Social and Economic Stabilization Fund | &0000000000000021.80000021,8 | 1985 | Cuivre |

Emirats arabes unis !Émirats arabes unis | ICD | Investment Corporation of Dubai | &0000000000000019.60000019,6 | 2006 | Hydrocabures |

Azerbaidjan !Azerbaïdjan | SOF | State Oil Fund | &0000000000000014.90000014,9 | 1999 | Hydrocabures |

Emirats arabes unis !Émirats arabes unis | IPIC | International Petroleum Investment Company | &0000000000000014.00000014 | 1984 | Hydrocabures |

Canada | AHF | Alberta's Heritage Fund | &0000000000000013.80000013,8 | 1976 | Hydrocabures |

Emirats arabes unis !Émirats arabes unis | MDC | Mubadala Development Company | &0000000000000013.30000013,3 | 2002 | Hydrocabures |

États-Unis | NMSIOT | New Mexico State Investment Office Trust | &0000000000000012.90000012,9 | 1958 | Non Matières premières |

Nouvelle-Zelande !Nouvelle-Zélande | NZSF | New Zealand Superannuation Fund | &0000000000000012.10000012,1 | 2003 | Non Matières premières |

Nigeria | ECA | Excess Crude Account | &0000000000000009.4000009,4 | 2004 | Hydrocabures |

Bahrein !Bahreïn | MHC | Mumtalakat Holding Company | &0000000000000009.1000009,1 | 2006 | Hydrocabures |

Bresil !Brésil | SFB | Sovereign Fund of Brazil | &0000000000000008.6000008,6 | 2009 | Non Matières premières |

Oman | SGRF | State General Reserve


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