Burger King training guide
TD : Burger King training guide. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar deez balls • 9 Janvier 2023 • TD • 788 Mots (4 Pages) • 334 Vues
Burger King Training Guide
This training guide is for staff use only. Trainers at the training sessions will follow this guide to allow them to train staff members. Please follow the guide as is to help create a more smooth and professional training.
➣ Shadow: Staff Assistant+
➣ Trainer: Supervisor+
➣ Co-Host: Board Of Directors+
➣ Host: Board Of Directors+
➣ Promoter: Board Of Directors+
➣ Spectator: Staff Assistants and new HRs ONLY.
Shadow: Shadows assist the trainer by following in their steps and act as an assistant. They’re also required to answer ‘PTS’ questions.
Trainer: Trainers host the training portion of the session by stating the guide and making sure that LRs get trained properly. They’re also required to answer ‘PTS’ questions.
Co-Hosts: The Co-Hosts assists the host of the training by naming groups and giving out roles to the staff. As well as stating the rules of the training. They’re also required to answer ‘PTS’ questions.
Host: The host of the training session starts the training off by instructing staff on what to do. They can also assign dedicated roles to the staff as well. The host of the training makes sure the training runs smoothly and efficiently. They’re also required to answer ‘PTS’ questions.
Spectators: Spectators at the training have the option to observe and help out other staff members in case of emergency. They’re also required to answer ‘PTS’ questions, or help name low ranks.
Namers at the training have the ability to name the low ranks, such as assigning their points and ensuring whether they have enough to pass the training or not.
Trainers are required to have this guide copy and pasted when preparing to train.
➣ Welcome to this Burger King training! I am your trainer (name) and I am joined today by my lovely shadow (name).
➣ Before we start this wonderful training, I would like to go over how the training will be done.
➣ We will start off with either the shadow or me coming up to each of you to ask for your greeting. If you pass you will earn a single point.
➣ After the greeting section, we will move onto the order section.
➣This will include of ll orders that my shadow and I will give you. You will earn l point for each order you get correct.
➣ Next, we will be giving you trivia questions about Burger King and it’s rules.
➣Each trivia question answered correctly will result in a point.
➣ For the last part of the training, me and my shadow will act like a troller and you must correctly deal with us as if we were real trollers.
➣ As a quick reminder for points, Trainees need V (5) points to pass, Junior Crew Members need VI (6) to pass, Crew Members need VII (7) to pass.
➣ We will now begin with the greeting section! Please state your greeting once me or my shadow come up to you.
➣ Moving on, we will now move into the order section! The 1st order is: (Random order).