Opinion text Mars
Analyse sectorielle : Opinion text Mars. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar hmizou96 • 8 Février 2016 • Analyse sectorielle • 524 Mots (3 Pages) • 867 Vues
Nowadays exploring the vast universe is a source of debates and disagreements especially in the near future when it’s about travelling to Mars.
In fact progress in science allows us to admit the possibility to reach the red planet but some technical and ethnical issues may emerge. Travelling there is an expensive and risky maneuver because bringing the astronauts back to earth is for now impossible. To do so scientists and well-informed minds came up with a solution, which implies polemics. The idea is a one-way trip for astronauts and scientists on Mars in order to analyze the red planet on the spot. For that, devoted people can allow sizeable progress in astrophysics and maybe enable human race survivability on a long term. How can we deny it?
Moreover our opportunities to make that trip possible grow thanks to a newcomer in the space industry. It’s no longer a public concern; the arrival of SpaceX can counter any kind of budget restriction after the several reforms on reducing the NASA budget. This company founded by Elon Musk is working on cheaper and more reliable space machines. Solutions can be brought to the desk in the next decade. Becoming private, space industry is no longer under the yoke of the government. Achievements and researches are faster than it will ever be with this new ally.
All thought some of you are skeptical the minority concerned about this trip is delighted.
In fact it is not our role to decide. If a 67 years old sick astronaut wants to accomplish his life’s dream and in the mean time achieve exploits that can only be done by devoted person like him. Let him use his consciousness and follow his will. Then, it may save future generations and it might save human race on the long run. Resources have to be found somewhere else. You can’t think that with all your green movements and with all the efforts doable the earth will remain as it is today, earth isn’t eternal and we have to what we can to extend human race. It’s a question of time, hundred years, thousand years, we have no idea; that’s why it is the right time to cease this kind of opportunity at least to explore it and to give it a shot. Doing it tomorrow isn’t the wise choice. This kind of issue has to be taken seriously; at least we have to give it a try, what are a half dozen of lives and 200 billion dollars in the human history? We have to think on the very long term. Every step of history has been done thanks to ideas like this Einstein, Galileo, Darwin always had one step ahead, and it is time to take a global step for humanity.
Eventually each discovery or each progress in science has been done by weird and blurry way or thoughts that may scare common people, progress and science achievement are always scary. It might use unethical thoughts but when you take a step backward and you see the whole scene and every opportunity that can procure this finally make sense.