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The Canadian culture

Étude de cas : The Canadian culture. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  25 Octobre 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  475 Mots (2 Pages)  •  612 Vues

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The Canadian culture has been primarily influenced by European countries particularly France and Great Britain, for example we can see it with the spoken languages (60% English and 22% french ). But there are a lot of other countries who had an  influence too because Canada always had a welcoming attitude to immigrants. Canada is known as a multicultural country with around 200 languages, which made the Canadians to have a good reputation with a lot of qualities (polite, informal and tolerant). Canada has also his own indigenous culture.  One index would be the name Canada which means village. And one of their goal is to distinguish themselves from the USA.

Another important facet of the Canadian culture are the activities .One of them is related to the nature because they love the environment. Canadians like for example to camp during the holydays to be closer to the nature but also to admire it because it s one of their biggest pride. Canada is also world famous for their national parks which has his own government branch because it s important for the Canadians to enjoy life without compromising the future and the environment which could also be a definition of the sustainable development .( first park: Banff established in 1885).                                                                                        

Something which is really important for the Canadians is sport a lot of them or watching or practicing it, for example cricket or even basketball with the Toronto Raptors.  They are in the playoffs finals this year and last but not least the national sport  ice hockey with a high performing league and national team, it is like soccer for the Europeans.

A further aspect in the Canadian culture would be eating and the habits belonging to it for example the “ 5 to 7” which is an habit to go drink something with friends or family after work. The Canada is also a country where they eat a lot of meat and vegetables thanks to the amount of farms which are producing quality without harming the lovely nature of course. The traditional cuisine is mostly inspired by the Scottland, England , France and Indigenous with the mixture of wild game (hunting)

Some of culinary specialty Canada is known for  are La poutine ,the maple syrup, la tourtiere and the pumpkin and pecan pie


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